Why Aren’t Obama and Hillary Denying the ChiComs Hacked Her Server? – IOTW Report

Why Aren’t Obama and Hillary Denying the ChiComs Hacked Her Server?

WAXE: Here’s another question. Has anybody seen Barack Hussein O or Hillary Clinton on TV denying the news story that the Chinese government had real-time hacked access to Hillary Clinton’s computer, her home-brew server and network when she was secretary of state? I haven’t seen that. Has anybody seen Obama and Hillary indignant? Has anybody seen them on television flat-out refusing, denying, saying this is absurd? Anybody seen that? You haven’t.

15 Comments on Why Aren’t Obama and Hillary Denying the ChiComs Hacked Her Server?

  1. Why not? Because their lawyers said to be quiet, and because the media/deep state is denying it for them. The repetitive narrative line is, “FBI pushes back on TRUMP’S claim that the Chinese hacked Clinton’s email”. This is deadly stuff to them. It must be smothered and debunked.

  2. Tick Tock……

    Me thinks this Q phenomenon has some legs. I also think Hillary and Obama are scared shitless.

    I still think Hillary will commit suicide to avoid prosecution and prison.

  3. “FBI refutes…”

    “FBI pushes back…”

    “FBI contradicts…”

    “Trump-spread claim…”

    “Unfounded Trump claim…”

    “False Trump claim…”

    “Trump blindly claims….”

    The media is in rare lockstep form today. I haven’t seen them like this since Hillary got pneumonia on 9/11/16.

  4. the chinese probably kept the receipts.
    the awans verified everything and provided additional material, via pakistan, to the chinese. The scale of the security breaches is so big, they can’t acknowledge it. Nor can they acknowledge that they themselves were knowledgeable of those breaches, even to the extent of possibly allowing them. They did nothing to stop them. But mccain is still dead, and some people didn’t get invites.

  5. Because the “Fake News” people are afraid to ask questions. They are more interested in attacking President Trump. Can you imagine Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, or Jeffrey Toobin grilling Bill and Hillary?
    Ain’t gonna happen. Imagine a “60 Minutes” inquiry on the Clinton/ China connection? Don’t hold your breath. The media are cowards and Donald Trump is proving it every day.

  6. Bad Brad- Please! This is a family friendly forum!
    “penetrated hillary clintons private server”
    I don’t think I have enough bleach on hand for that

    maybe you were referring to webb hubble- that must be it. That is old news, but it must be that simple

  7. They haven’t denied it because they were never asked about it! If anyone else had done this, the media would be parked in front of their house waiting to pounce on them the minute they stuck their head out the door. i guess the MSM is just too busy this week.

  8. Oh, lighten up, people….

    It’s because the Bill Of Sale on one of her sizable
    PRC cash donations clearly states the the Chinese have expressed, written consent from the Clinton Global Initiative to CC all of her email.

    And you know the old saying in business..

    ” The customer is alway right.”

  9. @Val: I archived that for you- https://archive.fo/Ejsv4#selection-1827.1-1831.159

    “In short, natsec & cyber security expert agree with Obama’s former Defense Intelligence Agency director @GenFlynn that the odds foreign countries hacked Clinton’s server are “Very high” because “They’re very good at it. China, Russia, Iran, potentially the North Koreans.”

    Flynn said that on 6 April, 2015. Trump launched his campaign in June 2015. That would be BT (before Trump). This has been known, widely, for at least 3 years and nothing has been done. Nice justice system we have, huh?


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