Why #BlackLivesMatter is Damaging Blacks – IOTW Report

Why #BlackLivesMatter is Damaging Blacks

Great video rant by Paul Joseph Watson–>

13 Comments on Why #BlackLivesMatter is Damaging Blacks

  1. I would recommend visiting Paul’s YouTube channel. He has EXCELLENT vids. I love playing them for my lib co-workers they cause them to have the worse kind of bleedy butt-hurt…..

  2. Another good thing about him is that his accent makes him sound like a lib. So once he sucks them in they end up getting a small dose of reality. Then, if they actually listen to him…….never mind, they won’t.

  3. Obama’s disorganizers will never be proclaimed domestic terrorist group while he,
    or any democrat rules. Lynch encourages them publicly, Obama pays them sneakily through public funds.

  4. BLM is an anchor to black progress and hurts decent black people.
    I’ve heard friends say, and these are decent, hard working people,
    “I can’t even watch a black commercial on TV anymore.”
    That’s something to think about.

  5. What is a truly “conservative take” on life?

    In my opinion, it’s one that makes every effort to assess reality as it really is and not what we wish or assume it to be.

    That’s all he’s doing here. Laying out facts neglected, overlooked, denied – but in plain view all the time.

    Common sense.

    Like Holy-water-on-a-demon for a liberal.

  6. WHY? Because people who day after day have to watch this shit on TV after a day’s work are getting sick and tired of it. The networks would do well to give us a break. This whole weekend was consumed by blacks being interviewed about BLM. It was vomit inducing.
    I’d rather watch repeats of “my Pillow” commercials and tend my tomato plants than watch anymore black bullshit.

  7. Hitler used the Brownshirts, until they outlived their usefulness. Then we had the ‘night of the long kinives’.
    BLM is just another Brownshirt to be wound up to destroy the peace.
    When Blacks finally figure out who is playing them, they will exact retribution

  8. Democrats must keep their slaves on the plantation because these slaves make the masters rich with their VOTES.

    Cotton was replaced with a ballot box.
    Taking care of one’s slaves was replaced with welfare.
    Democrats still run the plantation. The only thing that changed is the harvest.

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