Why Blacks Are Overrepresented In Advertisements – IOTW Report

Why Blacks Are Overrepresented In Advertisements

The Carousel Substack

What is occurring in modern advertising and media writ-large is the usage of the black population as a meme for American consumerism and a representation of our society as a whole. In today’s age of race-based politics and social issues, these sentiments have been commodified by capital—symbolized by the advertising version of the magical negro—with the specific aim of selling people, especially blacks, more stuff they don’t need. Blacks comprising only 13% of the American population would seemingly render this idea silly, but as mentioned above, the ability of capitalism to co-opt organic sentiment and commodify it by way of “increasingly extensive campaigns” has brought us to this current state of projecting a population that does not exist in the numbers or cultural milieu advertised. More

Let’s say you live in a society where people like you are portrayed as affluent, yet you personally aren’t. In addition, you are constantly told by authorities [politicians, educators, entertainers] that the system is rigged against you ever succeeding. How would you react? – Dr. Tar

28 Comments on Why Blacks Are Overrepresented In Advertisements

  1. I saw a painting at Boomland (a shithole store that sells fireworks, food, and furniture just over the Mississippi River) that depicted Black Jesus (from the sky) bestowing a new house, and a new car in the driveway, to a happy black family.

  2. Well at least they’re not doing it with fagalettos too.

    Mixed race same sex couples are general run of the mill to be found in all areas of life right? Then too, they occasionally include hetro mixed race couples for diversity.

    What I don’t see is straight white married…

    Is this what it was like to be black watching TV in the fifties only now the whites are missing?

  3. If you believe TV commercials, blacks are around 60 to 70% of the US population. If they weren’t so intent on aborting their children they would be more like 33%. But hey, black lives matter.

  4. These ad naseam commercials featuring black people as commonly affluent are not really directed at black Americans. The ads are created to make progressive elites feel like their objective to create a black Utopian upper class has been accomplished. They’re delusional. Woke corporate have no problem helping progressives gaslight themselves.

    BTW, affluence was achieved by black Americans before the left’s interference. See Margret Sanger, President Lyndon Johnson, W.E.B. DuBois etc.

    It’s been easy for the left to manipulate most black Americans. Starting with black Americans relinquishing their autonomy as a group to the Marxist left at least 90 years ago. By 1970s, most black Americans turned their back on God and are living as degenerates. Loyal to anything that satisfies their flesh – high abortion rates, LGTBQIA+ choices, murders and rampant crimes and other destructive cultural aspects in great numbers, like voting Democrat.

    No wonder the left are using blacks as their ad props to represent a false narrative. The self destructive nature of black Americans works well with the implimentation of Marxist doctine in their communities.

    Most Black Americans still live clueless, blindly and vicariously on a slave plantation the left has convinced them still exists for their benefit – a lie that persists to their continued detriment.

  5. The same thing goes on in the UK as well. More than half the people in commercials are black. Many also have mixed race couples — and it is always the woman who is white.

    I like good people of all colors. I don’t care the composition of a couple if they are good people and they love each other. However, there is the old question: “What would a Martian think if he landed here and saw this?”

  6. I wouldn’t mind SOME over representation but commercials are so over the top it’s really pathetically laughable.

    Even the Bahamas have mostly black tourists in their ads.
    I’ve been to the Bahamas and the only blacks I saw there were the local Bahamians.
    I kinda think they don’t really want a bunch of black Americans to visit.
    Yep, I said it…

    Hell, if they can’t get IDs how they gonna get a passport?
    Jim Crow is Jim Eagle!

  7. The goal is to marginalize, denigrate and ultimately eliminate white culture and white people. Come on….this isn’t rocket science. They are openly TELLING us they intend to eradicate us. And they will if we don’t eradicate them.

  8. There was an ad on TV here in Georgia during the Senate runoff, and I can’t find it now, but the gist of the voice-over, spoken by a black man, was “We create the culture, we make the movements and we make the history…”, accompanied by videos of large groups of black people doing things. The ad was, of course, an exhortation for blacks to vote (for Warnock, of course) but I was struck by the arrogance of the premise that blacks are the core of American culture and history.

    I can understand how they might be deluded into believing this nonsense after being increasingly marinated in the fantasy of entertainment and sports celebrity for half a century, then seeing more and more of their faces constantly and flatteringly displayed in advertisements and watching as their riotous bad behavior is justified and apologized for by the media. They could almost be forgiven for believing the hype, but the toxic illusion of power, righteousness and invincibility has become a danger to them and others.

    It’s hard for people to find out that they are not special, when they have been told their whole lives that they are. But what’s worse is when they are lied to forever, so everybody—and I do mean everybody—can avoid the hard truthfor a little while longer. Ultimately, that’s not good for anybody.


  9. “I was struck by the arrogance of the premise that blacks are the core of American culture and history.”

    I met a Norwegian who claimed Norway won WWII
    You would think, watching WWII movies,that the US won the war all by ourselves. If someone mentioned Russian involvement before the Berlin wall came down, he was a commie pinko fag

    everybody claims their group is special

  10. 30 maybe 40 years ago I was playing lacrosse in Colorado Springs Colorado against some team from there CC, the Academy, a club team? I dunno I ended up drunk….We went to the Broadmoorat the Golden Bee and drank yards of beers….you’ll know the expression if you know it…….A Black chick, well she said she was black, thought I wasn’t hideous so she talked to me…….She was somehow involved at Fort Carsonand had to go back to the base, she had amazing skin, beautiful, vibrant eyes….she thought I was cool as shit and never returned my calls…..I still don’t know if she was really black….

  11. The funniest ads of all, as Cynic just described, are the ones with a black dad, a white mom and at least one of the kids is of obvious Asian descent. It’s hard to tell if the kids in a “family” ad are actually in the family or belong to the neighbors. Of course, they could have been adopted.

    The “inclusivity” hoops advertisers are jumping through are stupefying. I’m waiting for someone to mess up by showing a black husband in a wheelchair, with an Asian binary wife, and an assortment of children, including a freckly redhead with blue eyes. I’m certain Target is working on it right now for the “Holiday Season”.

  12. Well, I guess the war against racism is won? All the commercials, etc., are only blacks & other minority groups now! It’s great, right? Not so fast, it’s now open season on whites. Who are the racists?

  13. I just watched a documentary about advertising. The advertisers said their goal is to sell consumerism.

    The companies that advertise along with the companies that actually make the ads are trying to virtue signal.
    What they’ll end up doing is convincing blacks to go into debt and/ or feel slighted and discriminated against because they don’t have Land Rovers, Big houses, take expensive trips, etc.

    At least the advertisers have cut down making ads that show white guys as dummies.

  14. The ultimate commercials now for the left is one featuring a mixed race gay couple. There’s one that starts out with a flock of sheep, and one sheep leaves the herd and gets in the back of a car with a mixed race gay couple (men). The rest of the commercial is all about how frisky the sheep is. It ends with a tagline that says something about breaking from the herd. It is a VW commercial.
    Another one for Red Baron pizza features a lesbian couple enjoying the pizza as they snuggle.
    I am totally sick of this BS. I know boycotts never work, but I wish enough straight white people would just say, “we want to honor your diversity by not buying your products. That way there will be plenty for the black and gay people that you are targeting.” Wonder how long a company would last if whites did that?

  15. “Wonder how long a company would last if whites did that?”

    It’s Satan-worshipping white heterosexuals pushing this shit.
    Pretty sure the negroes and faggots don’t own Madison Ave.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  16. When I see a commercial that more closely resembles a Tarzan movie or a circus freak show their product is dead to me. Too bad you can’t program your TV with vintage commercials. They actually had merit.


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