Why Bother With NAFTA? – IOTW Report

Why Bother With NAFTA?

In a desperate attempt to keep The United States in NAFTA, Canada and Mexico have proposed that we impose a tax on vehicles imported from our two trade partners, i.e. a tariff on trade. More

10 Comments on Why Bother With NAFTA?

  1. In theory NAFTA was supposed to benefit both sides of the trading partners. Consumers would see lower prices on goods produced elsewhere, and those economies would be stimulated by new factories and increased job market.
    A refrigerator made in Mexico for instance, would cost less than one made in USA due to lower labor rates. And as a bonus, the formerly unemployed wage earner in Mexico might now have a chance of buying that refrigerator. Win-win, right?
    Well I can’t say I saw much price reduction, but I did notice some shoddy merchandise.
    (On a similar note, the breakup of Ma Bell was supposed to benefit consumers by encouraging competition between providers. But did it?)
    Take the auto industry. By investing in improvements and concentrating on quality, Japan turned their products into market leaders.
    The ones to watch now are the Koreans, China is on the rise. Taiwan has already arrived.

    In theory, communism works. In theory.
    Marx got it wrong- Capitalism is not the bogeyman he prophesized.
    His thesis was flawed by misunderstanding the value of labor, magnified by the assumption that there is a finite amount of money in the world. (See how the influx of New World treasure affected Spain.) And that money should be divided equally so as to give everybody their “fair share”.
    Subsequent tweaks to hardline Marxism have been unsuccessful because they fail to address these fatal flaws.

    I’ve been entertaining my buddy Evan Williams this afternoon so I’m not up to discussing Mercantilism or closed colonial market systems. Or Tariffs. You’re on your own.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Anybody that wonders what NAFTA did, come to my town and visit our mostly empty, once thriving industrial park. But I doubt you have to come here as there are many other, especially here in Midwest, areas to see same.

  3. How about mexico and canada just keep all the fukkin rat-people out of the United States of America?

    Call it a “good faith” effort.

    izlamo delenda est …


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