Since she is not teaching Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, I think tax payers have the right to see where she goes “off script.”
She is terribly concerned with her white students using slang, because it’s “cultural appropriation.”
Since she is not teaching Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, I think tax payers have the right to see where she goes “off script.”
She is terribly concerned with her white students using slang, because it’s “cultural appropriation.”
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Can you prove that?
izlamo delenda est …
Beneath the Planet of the Ultradykes
Looks like a skinny, tranny, young Robert Patrick.
(I like Robert Patrick, this thing just seems to have similar features)
izlamo delenda est …
This thing with the evil eyes and clenched teeth should be fired immediately and never be allowed to ever teach children again anywhere in America.
another escapee from Area 51
4th grade sjws teachers? WTF! I’m glad my children are all grown, but my poor grandchildren….
A big wave of boomer teachers retired and were replaced with Kilees and Logans and man buns and dykes
Not that there’s anything wrong with those names but its a dif world in the schools. I would not hire this one on looks alone.
My son is taking a grade 12 summer school course at the Toronto District School Board since Toronto exits Lock Down on July 16th and there are no jobs, sports, etc. Normally he is in Private School.
The teacher assigned an essay choice:
1) the importance of BLM
2) racism
3) The importance of vaccine
The teacher is ONLINE for 1 hr. and then they submit a progress report ( a few lines) on progress with assignments.
I can’t remember the Title for the book report but as you can imagine it was a leftist shit sandwich title.
In video conference he has a HUGE Thin Blue Line American Flag hanging behind him. The Idiot Teacher still has not figured it out and luckily he has been able to SHOVEL enough SHIT that he is holding above 90%. Normally 75%-79% in Private school.
This is My Family’s first experience with PUBIC school and it has been very revealing.
I thank GOD that HE gave me the guidance to drive a very cheap used car and spend the money on my kids Brains.
Defund teachers – not cops.
“My kids”? No, Dyke, they aren’t your kids.
I’ve got some feedback for you. Just go ahead and off yourself already.
Red guard.
Listen to that thing talk. Incoherent babbling.
That mind is not functioning properly and should not be teaching children.
She has an hour each day of classroom time devoted to paint can artwork and Molotov Cocktail construction followed by degenerate sexual practices.
The derelict parents should be ashamed for sleeping through this and allowing scum like this within a arms throw of their children.
Teaching kids to hate each other, and themselves, is not teaching. It is sick, criminal behavior and should be punished by complete removal from the profession.
Is dyke slang, dyke?
Slang is cultural approp? LOL Well every time a black person uses the N word, isn’t that cultural approp? Afterall the white man invented it.
Hilaria Baldwin is right that culture is fluid. It does not belong to any specific set of people. It is created and transmitted through interactions, observation, and imitation. It is human nature. A teacher who does not know this should not be allowed to teach. How does she think kids learn?
Definitely a butch! She’s projecting her inner anger into the classroom,
Something is screwy with her, maybe daddy didn’t pay enough attention or she didn’t make the cheer leader squad. Whatever it is she’s pissed and the world will pay!
Pull your kids out of public school, people.
S/he knows exactly what the “end goal” is…full blown Communism!
Parent, you have no one to blame but yourselves if you allow your children to be fed communist garbage in school. Get involved!
She/he doesn’t know what his/her goal is?? Your goal is to teach READING, WRITING, and ARITHMETIC. PERIOD!!
“my kids”
They are not your kids, you marxist hack.
I think that everything needs to be done to protect schoolchildren. I wrote essay on this issue. But I decided to read about self care essays and other tasks that students complete. After that, I understood how to write essays so that they would be readable.