Why Can’t We Have a Nice Fence Like Hungary? – IOTW Report

Why Can’t We Have a Nice Fence Like Hungary?

Hungary has completed its fence along the border with Serbia and plans to extend the barrier East along the border with Romania.


The move is to control the flow of refugees across the Central European nation as thousands try to make their way to Germany and points further North and West.

Migrants are now directed to two border crossings where they are screened.  The Hungarians promise to lock up violators for up to three years.


They were saying just a few weeks ago that it was a “futile” effort,  now they’re crying how inhuman the Hungarians are for stemming the flood.



21 Comments on Why Can’t We Have a Nice Fence Like Hungary?

  1. Poland used to have a legislature where every congressman got a veto. This made it easy for foreigners to stop Poland from defending themselves during the 1800s – they only had to buy a few legislators.

    Nowadays we have the (D)irtbag party being bought by Arab oil money, as well as other enemies (Soros, …). We also have courts which make laws, if sued into it by leftist NGOs.

    No more Polish jokes, we are the (D)umbasses of the future.

  2. Any barrier can be overcome, if not defended by serious people. I don’t think the fence is even needed, if we had a government that protected the people – everify, and don’t allow employers to tax deduct wages without valid SSN. Add prison and fines for intentional employment of illegals. Announce that Property and money of illegals will be confiscated, with a % to informers and arresters. Poof -Eisenhower did it in the 50s, why can’t we?

  3. We can. We can also have a military that protects and defends our borders just like the Coast Guard and Navy does with our shores. We really can. All we need to do is wake up the dopey masses.

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