Why did she lose? Because she’s a lying patronizer – IOTW Report

Why did she lose? Because she’s a lying patronizer


AMANPOUR: Such an important issue. And what about right now? As we’re seeing thousands of children come across —


AMANPOUR: — shantied off into makeshift shelters.

CLINTON: It’s horrible.

AMANPOUR: Hard choice — let them stay in the United States or send them back?

CLINTON: Well, two quick points. One, the numbers are increasing dramatically. And the main reason I believe why that’s happening is that the violence in certain of those Central American countries is increasing dramatically. And there is not sufficient law enforcement or will on the part of the governments of those countries to try to deal with this exponential increase in violence, drug trafficking, the drug cartels, and many children are fleeing from that violence.

AMANPOUR: Should they be able to stay here? It’s safer.

CLINTON: Well — it may be safer but that’s not the answer. I do not —

AMANPOUR: Should they be sent back?

CLINTON: Well, first of all, we have to provide the best emergency care we can provide. We have children 5 and 6 years old who have come up from Central America. We need to do more to provide border security in southern Mexico.

AMANPOUR: So, you’re saying they should be sent back now?

CLINTON: Well, they should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who responsible adults in their families are, because there are concerns whether all of them should be sent back. But I think all of them who can be should be reunited with their families. And just as Vice President Biden is arguing today in Central America,

we’ve got to do more. I started this when I was secretary to deal with the violence in this region to deal with border security.

But we have so to send a clear message, just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. So, we don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey.

AMANPOUR: We’re going to go on to a different topic. And this I’m going to read because it’s from Tumblr, who we’re partnering with. So, here we go.

Needless to say, Clinton’s tune changed quite a bit during her 2016 run and her post-candidate career. Just a year after her interview with Amanpour, she became a vocal immigration champion — specifically voicing her support for DACA.

While the GOP focuses on villifying immigrants, Hillary will fight to protect DACA/DAPA and pass comprehensive immigration reform.

And there were also these woke pronouncements, complete with her “—H” signature so you know she meant business!

Thanks to DREAMers’ courage & resolve,  has allowed thousands of young people to contribute to our society. We’re better for it. -H

26 Comments on Why did she lose? Because she’s a lying patronizer

  1. Latest word from the border with Canada is that tens of thousands of Macedonian Content Farmers’ children are pouring across that border accompanied by both their parents, all their uncles and aunts, grandparents, cousins and nephews, and friends and drinking buddies. Apparently, these poor refugees have been displaced by thousands of Haitians and Nigerians fleeing racism and oppression in Trump’s America. Justine Trudeau has not spoken out on this migration yet, but he is expected to proclaim a a national day of consternation to deal with the crisis.

  2. Because even with some 7 million illegal/fraudulent votes, the American people prevailed.

    How long is impossible to say, but we got ONE reprieve.
    We should make the most of it, but the traitors of the GOPe are making it difficult.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Cannot be trusted. Treasonous. Will sell the country down the drain. Health is shot. Drunk all the time. Very clever thief. Should have been imprisoned years ago. Connected to far too many mysterious deaths. Always looks directly into the camera and lies. Married to a most despicable man. Does not lead, follows polls. Reprehensible bitch. Surrounded by repulsive people. No morals, no character.

  4. Because she is very unlikable person with a very dark and cold heart. There in nothing real about the Clinton persona. Everything about her is manufacrured to deceive. The character flaws are to great in number to list.

    Screw the book. I would gladly pay to see a video of her around 11pm November 8; 2016 as her world collapsed. One can imagine the sceen as the foul mouth bitch spews her venom at her staff and then collapses in a drunken stupor. The smelling salts applied later so they can drag an unwiling Hillary to the phone to concede to Trump.

    Now that would be a best seller.

  5. The list is so long…but the highlights would be 1) you are a Clinton, 2) Benghazi, 3) A basket of Deplorables, 4) Kill coal jobs, 5) a miserable pathological liar and all around nasty woman.

  6. Remember when ex-President Clitoon and Sea Hag Reno sent armed storm troopers to wrench a young boy out of the loving arms of his citizen relatives and sent him back to a communist dictatorship?
    Remember when the same couple burned men, women and children alive?
    My, things sure have changed on the plantation.

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