Why did the Democratic South become Republican? – IOTW Report

Why did the Democratic South become Republican?


The south used to vote Democrat. Now it votes Republican. Why the switch? Was it, as some people say, because the GOP decided to appeal to racist whites? Carol Swain, Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, explains.

15 Comments on Why did the Democratic South become Republican?

  1. Great video, but she’s wrong on one point; Eisenhower’s last election was in 1956, the Little Rock high school episode happened in 1957. Although the the decision came down in 1954, it wasn’t upheld until 1957.
    Video @ 5:15

  2. Crappy explanation; the only worthwhile part strarts around the 4 minute mark.

    Dinesh D’Souza has a much better – and better researched – explanation. I believe it was in his 2016 film “Hillary’s America.”

  3. I think this is the same woman who appears in “Hillary’s America” to explain and confirm the narration by Dinesh D’Souza about this subject.

    D’Souza is a real scholar of American slavery, the rise of the Republican party and the real geography and demography of the Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement and the myth of the “Big Switch.” I tried to find the best video to summarize what he says about it, but there are several on YouTube if you look at any of his college lectures. He also did an interview with Larry King where he goes into great detail about this and the Clinton gangster mob. Recommended because he gives, I think, even greater context that cinch the argument and gives better history data.

  4. Bill Clinton and other D’s lionized the late Senator Robert Byrd at his funeral saying “You had to be in the Klan in order to get ahead in the party!” Byrd was both a Kleagle (a recruiter) for the Klan and a Grand Cyclops. The Klan was the domestic terrorist arm of the D’s, but what is interesting is that the D’s will readily admit to being the party of the Klan, they insist the R’s magically “switched” and somehow took over the leadership of the Klan. Kinda funny how movies like “Mississippi Burning” change the whole history of who the good guys were in the Civil Rights movement.

  5. Just made me think of something…

    The Left never changes. Never. They clawed their way to prominence in the U.S. through lies and violence, they blame their crimes on others and insist they are the victims. They rename themselves and put the shadow on conservatives by calling them what they, themselves, are. They blame all their activities on “America” as a whole.

    Time marches on and so does the communist Left. Today, instead of the Klan the have the “Resist” movement in all it’s incarnation (anti-fa, La Raza, etc.), they have their numbers within gov’t just as they have since Wilson (and you can add ISIS sympathizers). It will always be a war of the founding spirit of this country against all those arrayed against us.

  6. Look at Tennessee. In 1988, they had two Democrat senators. One named Al Gore.

    In 1992, TN voted for Clinton/Gore. Re-elected them in 1996.

    Yet, somehow that changed between 1996 and 2000. Gore lost his home state in a Presidential run.

    How about people got tired of the corruption and lying and has been solidly Republican since then.

    The Clinton perversion, the Iced Tea defense, the no controlling legal authority”.

    They were revealed to be sick and folks voted accordingly.

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