Why did the vegan cross the road? – IOTW Report

Why did the vegan cross the road?

To take a #DumpForChickens

ht/ fdr in hell

41 Comments on Why did the vegan cross the road?

  1. Whenever a vegan (or anybody) takes a dump, they’re condemning millions and millions of tiny innocent animals – bacteria – to a horrible tortured death by forcing them out of their natural habitat and flushing them down a sewer. Oh! The humanity!

  2. She’s one reason I closed my office: the laws that claim all private businesses are “places of public accommodation”. Not a customer, use a Public Restroom–oh, that’s right government no longer wanted that expensive responsibility since most people are inconsiderate jerks.
    If I had 10ยข for every time someone off the street would come in and use our clean restroom (and not express an iota of thanks–afterall they were entitled to it!), I would have enough cash to bury this asshole vegan under a 20-ton block of tofu.

  3. What a repulsive little skank. A low achiever like her probably doesn’t think twice about not washing her hands either, otherwise she’d have boasted about wasting paper towels. I can only hope that she doesn’t work in the food service industry. Forgive my ugly thoughts.

  4. I doubt the water usage amounts to much. The parking in their lot may actually encourage others to eat there. Many people won’t visit a business if they think it is closed, or other customers are choosing to go elsewhere.

  5. This is the result of everyone getting a trophy just because they showed up. She actually thinks her one person movement will amount to anything.

    I bet she kept all those trophies from her childhood thinking they reflect well on her “achievements”. How very sad.

  6. The odds are good that she:
    has an ankle tattoo
    regularly comes unglued at wait staff and retail clerks
    gets into flame wars on work e-mail
    has an asshole cat
    has a relationship half life of six months, tops

  7. “just helping the vegan movement one dump at a time”
    How is that helping? Vegan movement – Was she trying to be funny? It just dropped my (already low) opinion of the group down two notches.
    I had greasy chicken for dinner. I think I will take a dump on some vegan’s front porch tonight.

  8. Feel for men these days. Where do you go to find a classy lady anymore. In addition to all of these pussyhat wearing libs trying to turn you into man bun fem looking weaklings! No way for my son.

  9. “Vegan”

    Old Native American word for poor hunter.

    She’s lying.
    When the urge hits vegans, they have no time to chose the location.
    That’s why they call them “Salad Shooters”.

  10. Only the mentally retarded take to a public forum to talk about their bathroom activities. I’d say “immature”, but even young children — if they are normal — don’t like to talk about their “poopies” to strangers. It’s private.

  11. @Eugenia — haha! It’s so true! They are like backward children who never got past that developmental stage of life. I think it was Freud who asserted it was a fear of losing something of value — down the toilet — never to be seen again…

    It explains so much, really.

  12. conservative cowgirl,

    No insult intended. Yes, conservative women are classy. I hope little Miss vegans father see’s this. I’ve met one or two womenz from IOTW and they exude class. Women for the young ones to look up to.

  13. So, tonite it’s a spicy tuna roll and a crunchy fried chicken

    Until you’ve had karagge chicken sushi with a spicy sauce, you
    have NO idea what you’ve missed.

    As for that scrunt? I’ve read articles that vegans have a much
    higher rate of colon cancer than meat eaters. A friend’s
    vegan wife fits that model and is scoped every year for the amount
    of danglies in her colon and removal. I hope this mental freak suffers the same fate.

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