Why Didn’t Somebody Do Something? – IOTW Report

Why Didn’t Somebody Do Something?

HT/ Moe Tom

10 Comments on Why Didn’t Somebody Do Something?

  1. We all face evil on a daily basis that comes to us in different forms.
    The whole concept of our nations founding was based on that truth. We can look around today and see evil and dark thoughts and deeds from many. People are living in a world where we walk a thin line and hope things don’t tip the wrong way. Trouble is always close.

  2. People thought that they were doing something — it was called Appeasement. Ask Chamberlain, ask Churchill, ask all the gang in Europe who rode the tiger and thought that they were not to be consumed, even FDR (now in Hell) who listened to the isolationists…

    Their ‘doing something’ was to give in by incremental inches, until it could no longer be sustained. Current-day Europe needs to look at their own history and learn from it. Is there any difference between ‘Book Burning’ and Shariah Law, in which only the Koran should be read and obeyed?

  3. All that is required for evil to flourish
    is for good men to do nothing.

    Even worse is when bad men try to appease the evil away,
    just because the bad men are lazy or cowards
    or care more about their own money/fame/power than their fellow man.

    We have in this nation a political royalty
    and a group of people who hold power
    that do not answer to “the people”.

    They are above the law, and above “the people”.
    If you have any doubts,
    just look at a person who ADMITTED to having an illegal server filled with official work of the State Department (Which by itself is VERY illegal). It was also filled with classified materials that it was NOT authorized to have. This person admitted to being the one who transmitted that classified data. This means that she has admitted committing multiple FELONIES. Her top aide was found to have a Notebook computer LOADED with these same messages and classified materials, which means that her aide also committed multiple FELONIES.
    Yet Felony Von Pantsuit is still walking around free as well as her aid.
    Not to mention the scores of people within the FBI and CIA and IRS who have been exposed to have used their positions of power against fellow Americans because they disagreed with the politically.
    How many of these are in jail?
    If we are to return to the rule of Law, then there MUST be a reckoning.

    On this 17th Anniversary of 911, let those who have supported the evil we saw on that day be brought to justice.
    Those who made excuses or even protected that evil, and chose to call anyone who disagreed with them racists and Islamophobes.

    let them reap what they have sown

    MSG Grumpy

  4. How many times have I posted that there is no reason to ever concede good intentions to the progressive movement?

    Wicked and evil does not even begin to describe the history of innocent human misery, suffering and death that has resulted from the practical application of that political philosophy.

    Being as the resultant carnage is the universal outcome whenever their prescriptions have been put into practice, there is absolutely no basis for anyone at this juncture to not recognize those who subscribe to this worldview for what they are.

    As individuals, they must be either total morons or they are wicked and evil people hell bent on increasing the amount of innocent human suffering, misery and death in the world. There is no other logical choice.

  5. Loretta in Indiana, “People thought that they were doing something — it was called Appeasement.”

    That’s what the world is doing with Islam.

    We have a few Winston Churchills giving voice to the truth. God bless them.

  6. A FB post of mine from 2015:

    My father was a 19 year old soldier in the Spring of 1945 and served in General Patton’s Third Army. While my father may have had some rough times growing up in Brooklyn, nothing could prepare him for the things he would see when he was among the soldiers who came upon the concentration camp at Buchenwald.

    My father never really talked about the experience. About the only story he told was of when a soldier peeled an orange and threw the peel on the ground. As soon as the soldier walked away, a newly freed prisoner came up, picked the orange peel of the ground and ate it. Other than that my father did not say much. He once said that he had some photos of the camp that he left at his father’s apartment. Figuring that the photos were probably lost, he simply said, “It’s probably just as well.”

    Generally speaking, my father could be considered boisterous. He had a voice that made mine seem like a whisper. My mother refused to have a TV in the living area of our house, so the TV room was in a small bedroom at the top of the stairs next to my bedroom. One evening as I was going to my room I looked in the TV room. My father was watching “Judgement at Nuremburg.” It was the scene where the movies from the concentration camp were being shown. My father just lay there in his usual spot. This time was different. His face was ashen. He looked as though he was feeling a terrible pain in his soul. He spoke in a soft monotone: “It was really like that.”

    Yad Vashem is the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem. It is not for the faint of heart. Upon walking into the main hall are large photographs of a mass grave discovered by the Soviets. As if the large photographs were not enough, there were glass cases that held the belongings that were found in the pockets of those in the grave. Looking at the photographs, identification cards, watches, and other personal items that actually belonged to those poor souls was a painful start to the visit. From there the museum was pretty much in chronological order. You could go to the museum every day for a year and not read all of the information.

    There are several other things to see on the grounds. One of them is a children’s memorial. To enter that you enter a long, roofless, stone lined corridor. Once you enter the corridor you see a portrait of a young child carved in stone at the end. As soon as you see that portrait you feel as though your guts were ripped from you. In the memorial all you see is candles that, by the use of mirrors, appear to be a million stars in the sky. The names and ages of children who were murdered are continuously read as one word runs through your mind:


    Never again.


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