Why do cops shoot unarmed citizens – IOTW Report

Why do cops shoot unarmed citizens


ht/ shang

20 Comments on Why do cops shoot unarmed citizens

  1. Failure to follow an officer’s direction is what will get you killed! Why that one simple fact is ignored amazes me. I doubt any compliant, cooperating, unarmed suspect has ever been shot and killed by police.

  2. I think that L.E. departments should release bodycam videos of all kinds of people in all kinds of situations that DO comply with orders and there is NO shooting. It shows the public what to expect if you COMPLY and re-enforces that decision. Just showing bodycam shootings only makes some people determined to get out of that situation anyway they can.

  3. I shot the guy every single time he brought out a phone. I was shot at least 3 times trying to figure out what he had in his hand, or trying to shoot him before he shot me. I wasn’t fast enough and I’m just sitting here watching a video and having a cup of coffee – no adrelin pumping through my veins, no elevated heart rate, no shallow breathing or breathlessness from chasing the guy, and no anxiety from having him disobey a lawful order.

    No community would be safe with me as their cop.

  4. Great video…

    How many will see anything like this or even understand the threat.

    Add to the fact that most of John Q. Public is for the most part uneducated regarding the use of deadly force and/or firearms. Even those gunners that can occasionally be found at the range, without additional training or being involved (where you add in the adrenalin) are for the most part clueless. Does everyone have the time and money to go to a place like GUNSITE? Hell no, but there’s still other training and “shoots” locally available.

    Even if you don’t join in the exposure can lead to better understanding and safer handling.
    Three Gun, IDPA, Cowboy, etc. etc.

    If you own you should be able to handle it proficiently.

    I’m sure that BB could expound in the extreme on this one.

    Sadly this is another one of the “do as I say, not as I do.”

    When they timed me at any of the shoots they used an egg timer and yelled “BEEP!” to start me at all the stages and often had to turn the timer over to restart it.

    Without turning this into and SNS rant…
    Train, practice, train, practice, practice, train…

    Then go home and load ammo…

  5. Heretic, there are times when the cops shot themselves by accident too, but I think you can reasonably conclude that following an officer’s orders during an arrest is the best way to assure a safe outcome for all concerned.

  6. Generally the way to avoid getting shot by police is:

    1. Do not be a known dangerous criminal thug
    2. Comply with officer instructions, when being arrested

    * NYC officers with idiotic 13 pound trigger pull pistols who wildly spray the public trying to shoot the suspect
    * No Knock SWAT raids on low-risk, non-violent offenders executed at the wrong address

  7. I seriously doubt that any non threatening, compliant BLACK citizen has been gunned down in the last ten years

    Cant say the same for the ungoodwhite caste. Check out the video of Daniel Shaver being shot and killed while crawling to an LEO exactly as he was directed, all the while whimpering in fear. How is this not at least a second degree murder? …. This happened in Mesa AZ and wasnt even a local story

    And dont forget Lavoy Finicum who had clearly surrendered while standing in two feet of snow and was shot in the back, an open and shut case of first degree murder

  8. Simple fact, every LEO I have ever known will attempt to go home alive at the end of the duty day..

    If you are to stupid to follow the explict legal instructions from an armed officer of the law your premature demise is on you..

    I have zero empathy for anyone who bucks a legal order and starts reaching around for shit an officer cannot see. Talking to you Jacob Sex Offender Blake.

    Being black does not absolve you of the responsibility to follow legal commands or resist arrest.

    The color of your skin does not give you a special status to disobey.

    You bear the consequences for your actions not the LEO.

  9. I have my fair share of problems with this video. And they do reflect on training.
    First of all, if your OODA loop has a predetermined out come, it’s not a valid method of determining when you should use deadly force.
    Second, the guy that’s shooting from the high ready is reacting to the timer. The guy pulling the weapon out of the truck is not. In fact who knows when they starting the clock. Why would LE allow someone to reach back inside his truck. There is no control here by LE.
    Third, if I find myself in that position my gun extends from the high ready and I’m targeting the possible/probable threat, my trigger finger is finding the wall and I’m taking as many steps to the left or right as I can. So if you want to time something, time my trigger finger. Actions, in most cases, do beat reactions. So you need to combat that. But like I say, why is this guy being allowed to reach back into his truck?

  10. Speculation?
    Not a training video…
    Believe that…
    Primary purpose of the video is to try and show “Joe Blow” how fast things go sideways. That and perhaps give food for thought as to why non-compliant gets shot…

    In the real world I believe many if not most here might have seen the short clip (15 seconds or there about) of the punk pulling the gun (Antifa? BLM?) on the reporter and camera man. That one shows that by the time you begin to see/understand GUN! if it was his intention to shoot you would have been dead or shot multiple times as the recognition took place.

    Hoping none of us here get the real test cause even success means lawyers…


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