Why Do I Think Hillary is Going to Replace Biden? – IOTW Report

Why Do I Think Hillary is Going to Replace Biden?

Because the Clintons are “urging Biden to stay In the race.”

This is exactly what the phony, backstabbing liars would do. They want to be seen as the good guys. Meanwhile, they are standing on Biden’s air hose.

32 Comments on Why Do I Think Hillary is Going to Replace Biden?

  1. Cankles is desperate to get back in the White House, she had to leave so much silverware and china behind the last time. I was going through my bookcase and found my copy of The Final Days, The Last Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House, by Barbara Olson. Just might have to give it a re-read.

  2. I’ve read several places today that four “Families”, that’s what they typed, have approached Captain Brian Dead asking him to step down, the Pelosi’s, the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, and guess who? The Bush’s. I guess not a big surprise. Jill told them all to fuck off. I made that part up.

  3. Hillary oh Hillary all dressed in pink…

    Took the media behind the tent and made their fingers stink…

    When they realized how much their fingers stunk…

    They finally decided she was nothing but a putrid oozing cunt….

  4. If somehow TPTB slam H-Rod into the Dem candidacy and then steal the stinkin’ election for her, I predict an epic epidemic of decrepit old fart veterans undertaking suicide missions.

  5. Oh boy! Please run, Haradin, please!!

    (Frankly, I don’t think that hag has the guts — despite her genetic scotoma that prevents her from seeing her own limitations. Take away her posse and she’s more painful to watch than a college libdweeb trying to win an argument with Charlie Kirk.)

  6. AA
    You know I want to agree with you, however I think it’s true that BoRock promised her the presidency, and she’s still aiming to collect.
    I’d call her a dumb bitch, but I don’t want to piss off the wife, LOL

  7. Bring it on you SOULLESS, TREASONOUS, DISHONEST COMMIE BITCH. The most corrupt, hated, distrusted, and evil politician in American history is guaranteed to motivate those who’ve never voted before. Threatening America with promoting Hillary will wake sleeping giants like we’ve never seen before.

  8. She’s right around the bend from Biden, and the Dems are desperate for somebody younger. She couldn’t murder Trump out of the race, and she can’t murder her way to the nomination.

    Also, I think Bill would murder her if she tried to run. And he’d get away with it. He’s done with her shit, and so is everybody else.

    But go ahead and give it your best shot, Hillary. BTW, how’s your SS protection? Everything okay? Just asking. I know you had some issues with those guys back in the day.

  9. I posted this elsewhere 1 week ago –

    I’ve also thought that they will trot out Hillary to replace Joe. She has enough hubris to do it; the presidency was “owed” to her, it was “her turn” and she lost. If she stepped in, it would energize their base, more than any other candidate.

    I never believed Michelle 0bama would be the candidate; she wants nothing more than living the lifestyle of a Beyonce Knowles. She just does not seem to have that political “edge” needed. Her husband was president, that’s all she has.

    Newsome would be a likely pick as he’s young and fresh, but there are problems with this: How does he run on his record as the governor of a state that is collapsing and people are fleeing? Also, he’s a white male.

    The real clincher is the Identity Politics of the Progressive/Left has them boxed-in with Kamala Harris. She is also a power-hungry political animal who was put forth because she’s “black” (she’s not), and a woman. She is also very unlikeable and was first to drop out of the Dem race for President in 2020. How do the Dems justify not putting her in, this “person of color,” to replace Joe, when she was sold to voters as supremely qualified and would otherwise be their logical next option?

    I cannot wait for the Dem convention in the crime-ridden, murder capital of Chicago. Every radical group will be there clawing for visibility and a seat at the table of power. It’s going to be a circus.

    Get your popcorn ready.

  10. Hellary probably isn’t on the list of Democrat presidential candidates
    for 2024 among most Democrat leadership. She would be a last resort. She’s out of touch and not relevant. Voters aren’t going to buy it.

    Democrats don’t agree on how to deal with her and she’s past her sell by date.
    She’s either feared, hated, unknown to most Millennials and Gen Z (Hillary who?) or considered too old. An eventual female Dementia Joe – she still probably has seizures. Remember this;
    https://youtu.be/Hd4NH9jKNas?feature=shared .
    …and the “van toss”;
    https://youtu.be/TnbDZXoA78k?feature=shared .

    The Clintons are the ones putting it out there Hellary is viable as a Democrat presidential candidate. She’s dead set, maniacal and very. very unpopular. She’s going to get passed over again. It’s going to drive her mad!

  11. I’ve said for years not to completely count out Cankles. She has an insatiable lust for money and power. Her slogan could be: “this time for sure!”


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