Why Do Muslims Get to Ignore the Same Laws Used to Prosecute Christian Businesses? – IOTW Report

Why Do Muslims Get to Ignore the Same Laws Used to Prosecute Christian Businesses?

muslim bakery

WeeklyStandard: As an addendum to Jonathan Last’s piece about the bizarre willingness of liberals rushing to the defense of illiberal Muslims so long as it makes the GOP look bad, BuzzFeed has a nice story up today about a Muslim-American woman embracing her heritage and celebrating Eid. But BuzzFeed’s story contains this interesting anecdote about tracking down a halal butcher:

This year, things are different. I found a full-time job, a way to stay in New York, and more friends. This year, I looked forward to Eid like I did when I was a child. I didn’t slaughter a goat in my nonexistent back yard, but I made my parents send me photos of the goat. And I did find a halal butcher (Yelp to the rescue) and called him.

“I need two legs of lamb.”

“Sorry miss, we don’t serve meat to people we don’t know,” he said.

Was this guy for real?

“I need them for Eid. My name is Zainab.”

I leveraged my Muslim capital. He paused.

“When do you need it?”

Now, to be clear, I think business owners should be able to serve whoever they want to, just as customers should be free to avoid businesses they view as unfairly discriminatory. But imagine this same scenario where I call up a baker and say “I need a wedding cake,” and they respond “we don’t bake cakes for people we don’t know.” I then respond, “I need it for a wedding. I am a Christian who believes that marriage is between one man and one woman,” and they respond, “When do you need it?”  more here

14 Comments on Why Do Muslims Get to Ignore the Same Laws Used to Prosecute Christian Businesses?

  1. End of the article: “To be clear, I don’t wish the same stupid witch hunt on Muslims that’s been happening to Christian businesses. But the hypocrisy is stunning.”

    This is an example of what makes up the limp-wristed, hand-wringing GOPe.

    SUE the animals! Aside from beheading, it’s about the only thing they’ll understand.

  2. They get away with it because they are against Christians and Jews.

    The leftists are against Christians and Jews. Bingo.

    Also, they tend to get a bit testy when opposed. Boom!

    Just wait – at some point, there will be a battle.

    Christians, Jews and Free Capitalists VS Communists, Athiests and muslims.

    If the muscoms defeat the Christcaps then the muscoms will turn on each other – the musloids will have to defeat the commies because the commies will not convert to musloid.

    But, if as expected, the muzcoms are destroyed, then all will be fine.

  3. guilt for being ‘God’s chosen’ and filthy rich.

    They vote dem for the wealth redistribution.

    At least that’s my assumption. Other than that, especially if it continues after this preezy, no idea.

    A Rabbi who drives a beaten down car is considered untrustworthy and not to be followed. The Jews know they have a right to be wealthy and have the confidence to deal and do business. (and according to Galatians 3, so do Christians but few believe that)

    But they apparently like the idea of redistribution and thus vote dem.

  4. Redistribution of wealth is code for Communism and state owned everything..it worked sooo well in Cuba and USSR….China is have issues now…when people who have NOT start having, i.e., money, they get all capitalistic to get more money…..but then to redistribute what THEY glommed onto is NOT going to happen…pffft.

  5. I was watching a cooking show. That lip smacking, chew with his mouth open hog.
    Anyway, they were going to slaughter a goat in some god forsaken Muslim hell hole.
    Zimmern turned to the camera and said they weren’t going to show the actual killing but it was done in a humane halal manner.
    Humane, hardly. They slit the live animals throat and let it exsanguinate.
    If that’s humane, I’m a Gay Vegetarian Pirate.

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