Why do these bimbettes get a forum? – IOTW Report

Why do these bimbettes get a forum?

Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 4.34.14 PMHere is a democratic crunt “strategist,” Julie Roginsky, who is asking for the hate mail after she says she advocates taking In God We Trust off of all government related items and phrases.

I have no problem with her opinion, the problem I have is with her asinine assertion, one that most arsehole leftists share, that the 1st amendment states that there is a “separation of church and state.” It doesn’t.

And most of these idiots point to Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists, a letter where he uses the phrase “a wall of separation between church and state,” to deconstruct and reconstruct the 1st amendment to have it reflect an atheist’s point of view.

1st of all, a letter to a congregation in Connecticut is not the constitution. 2nd of all, Thomas Jefferson’s opinion doesn’t trump the entire document and its intent.

The Declaration of Independence, a document far more weighty than a letter written to some Baptists, shows that the founders believed in a supreme being, and acknowledging a supreme being is not an establishment of a specific religion.

The 1st amendment establishment clause is universally agreed upon, by anyone with an objective working brain, to mean that the government can’t sanction a specific religion as the State’s Religion. 

If money said “In Jesus We Trust” on it, I’d be the first one to sign the petition to have it removed. (Now I’m going to get hate mail.)

I agree that the founding fathers were mostly Christian, but I do believe they wrote the 1st amendment to keep the state from forcing any specific religious order upon its citizens. Christians must understand this.

The state can acknowledge the existence of God, but not necessarily the Trinity.


23 Comments on Why do these bimbettes get a forum?

  1. She should take her big fat mouth (and head) to Washington, D.C. which is where the “damage” she perceives was done in the first place.

    From Wikipedia:

    …the 84th Congress passed a joint resolution “declaring IN GOD WE TRUST the national motto of the United States.” The law was signed by President Eisenhower on July 30, 1956…The United States Code at 36 U.S.C. § 302, now states: “‘In God we trust’ is the national motto.”

    There were lots of times and places prior to that when “In God We Trust” appeared on coins and paper currency and other govt-made stuff. But the current status was established almost 60 years ago.

  2. I had to go to the dentist today. While there I watched Cathy Lee Gifford, some bitch named Ebola and some other skank who kept spreading her legs on some sort of kitchen counter set on the tee-vee.

    They were also drinking wine, on a morning show, my appointment was at 10AM.

    It’s the new normal for women these days I guess.

  3. Uncle Al. I said this before about Rodinsky. My dear mother used to say about a mouth like her’s, “She has a cheap mouth.” I have an inlaw with the same type of sneering mouth. I hate the bitch.

  4. Many of the states that ratified the constitution had state religions at the time. The founders were not again separtion of church and state, they just didn’t want one established by the federal government, which would have lead to rivalries among the different Christian sects. The religious wars of the 16fh & 17th century were not distant memories to them.

    Also, Jefferson despised paying mandatory tythes to the Church of England in colonial Virginia.

    So sad people don’t have better things to do sith their time. Get a life bit•h.

  5. Why? Because they have no qualms abiut getting on their knees, opening wide and swallowing hard for career advancement.

    Case in point: Before she got the her job at Today, Katie Couric made local TV rounds in DC where she was Not so affectionately called Kneepads Katie.

    Look at the current crop of chicken head “journalists” and “show hosts”–dimes to donuts they only got the job cause they gave up some a$$.

  6. Hey, and Big Fuzzy, I agree about the thing you said about your “If money said “In Jesus We Trust it, I’d be the first one to sign the petition to have it removed. ”

    I fully agree! In reading the founding fathers views, many were deists. I believe I fall in that camp. Organized religion is much like government, They do what it takes to achieve power and wealth and principles can be bought. That’s not how it is supposed to work.

  7. Sean, please don’t believe that Leftist tripe about “many of the Founders were deists.” That’s a lie. They were Christians and many of the signers of the Declaration were ordained ministers

    I believe most, if not all, of the state constitutions make mention of Almighty God. Texas historian David Barton has covered this extensively.

  8. I don’t know who it was?, BFH, John Quincy Adams,Ben Franklin, Uncle Al, who said: our system of government will only work with decent, law abiding people.. Whoevertefuckitwas, sure got it right.

    Decent law abiding people are having a hell of a time these days.

  9. The Founders’ Bible by David Barton – He just did (3 weeks ago?) a one hour interview with James Dobson – don’t worry, there’s no churchy stuff in it to vaporize atheists and livertarians- it’s on itunes for free, FBible I, II, III – it’s worth having since Mr. Barton has over 100,000 artifacts from 1812 and before.
    Barton says that in the mid-1800s, the Supreme Court took the “entire Jefferson letter” in complete context and not like the disingenuous assholes in the SC in the mid-1900s when they used only EIGHT words to push they’re agenda.
    He also stated that Geo. Washington kicked a homo out of the military and courts martialed over 50 soldiers for cussing always saying that, as a man of deep faith, “We need God’s help to beat the British,” and he wouldn’t allow the men to insult God.

  10. This may be the quote you’re thinking of Moe:

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

    John Adams (the second president and father of John Quincy Adams)

    Unlike in the early days of America, today’s politicians pretend to be Christian while being completely immoral in their behaviors (lying, being bought off, etc.) which is why honest, decent people are in such sad shape these days.

  11. The wall term was used because he was familiar with brick laying (masonry as a profession). The letter clearly shows his intent. Too bad he wasn’t a plumber, because he would have used a more accurate term, check-valve. Allowing flow in one direction only, government cannot regulate religion but religion can influence government.

  12. Every religion has a “god” – even the atheist religion.

    Thus, “In God We Trust” does NOT establish a state religion … in fact, it does just the opposite.

    Socialists are illiterate fools.

  13. Third of all, the wall of separation between Church and State was intended to protect the Church against meddling by the Federal Gocernment and is needed today more than ever.

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