Why Do We Distrust Muslims? – IOTW Report

Why Do We Distrust Muslims?

Does our Phucknard-in-Chief ever stop to think that it’s his actions that create blowback against Muslims in America? Why would I trust any Muslim in America when we read headlines like this?

DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties

ht/ pinko

15 Comments on Why Do We Distrust Muslims?

  1. People distrust muslims because their culture teaches them to kill people not of their culture. This multi cultural bullshit needs to end. The founders had it right – E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one. We need to end this farce of celebrating “diversity” because all it is doing is generating factions. If they don’t or won’t adopt and assimilate our country’s values, they need to be kept out. It really is as simple as that.

  2. “I was being forced to delete and scrub the records.”

    Don’t remember this person calling in the local TV station when given these orders.

    Don’t remember them shooting this boss that was a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the nation.

    Missed the anon Twitter posts about what was occurring.

    Did the boss get tossed down a stairwell that had no security cameras? Did their car get ‘keyed’?

    UHHHHH, no. Nothing was done. Nothing at all. So people like this boss just keep on doing this knowing nobody is going to piss in their Wheaties.

    Good days to be a tyrant among a culture of pajama boys sipping cocoa.

    Praying for the asteroid.

  3. Distrust Muslims? No matter where they are at, Muslims are the most disruptive, dangerous and demanding of special treatment than any other segment of the population. What’s it going to take for us to push back hard enough that they go away?

  4. @ Bad Brad…Nah, I drilled holes for a company that blew up water lines and foundations and had the contract for all of CDOTS road work in the mountains…we were drilling a water line to blast and a very nice fella came to see if our blaster did side work, on weekends….they wanted to use his blasting license…..they would shoot all sorts of 50 cal stuff at dynamite and other objects and apparently set up a pretty good show….I’ll search for some now…

  5. We hate them because WE KNOW they want to supplant our Constitution with their Shariah Law, which is incompatible in every respect with the traditional American way of life.

    With the help and support of our current usurping president, they are winning this attempt without even so much as a fight from us. Disgusting. I guess America just hasn’t lost enough yet. We haven’t suffered enough to begin the reversal, and I admit that I’m just as responsible as anyone else in that respect but I’m working on it.

    I am seriously living for the day when the news is forced to start reporting random sniping upon these vermin, especially the ones being shipped into Michigan and Montana.

    You want to turn our country into a shit-hole sandbox like where you came from, Haji?….fine, we’re your huckleberry. It’s only a matter of time and calculation before we start to see rejection of your special brand of political system – Islam. Islam isn’t a religion, and as soon as people figure it out you’ll be finished making any continued headway.

    Pray that most of us remain keyboard commandos Haji, because when it finally turns it will turn in a major way.

    We’ve whooped your ass before. This time it’ll be the women in our country that whoop your ass.

    It’ll be a delight to see.

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