Why does left-wing control ultimately lead to murderous regimes? – IOTW Report

Why does left-wing control ultimately lead to murderous regimes?

Left-Wing Bloodbaths.

Radical leftists would have us believe that they stand for democracy, progress, human rights and social justice. But when they seize power, they introduce slavery, terror, famine, concentration camps and mass murder. As the Marxists used to say, this is no accident. – Paul Bogdanor

The amount of links on this site pointing toward essays about left-wing mass murder is staggering. It is irrefutable that left-wing roads eventually lead to murderous dictatorships. The links will also explain why.

ht/ js

11 Comments on Why does left-wing control ultimately lead to murderous regimes?

  1. They all have the same intentions as Obama did while in office.
    He spent his time in office stirring a cauldron and reciting incantations summoning the ten plagues to be visited on this nation. They’re purely evil people.

  2. The only reason I was able to graduate from college, almost five decades ago, was a keen interest I developed about Soviet history. For the first time, for me, there something in school I cared about beside basketball and girls. Thanks for posting those links. Something to read while basking in the glorious SCOTUS sunshine this week. Thank God, Trump won.

  3. These three cover the question raised here, more than once, how and why the left is sympathetic to jihadi types. I can explain it too; They’re hypocritical, consciousness, sociopathic, scum. Is that over the top?

    – Collaboration With Jihadists
    Paul Bogdanor, Leftists For a Second Holocaust
    How the far left embraced fanatics who advocate the mass murder of Jews.
    Steven Stalinsky, Islamist-Left Alliance A Growing Force
    John Perazzo, Platforms of the Enemy
    The extreme left’s open collaboration with the most virulent hatemongers in the Middle East.

  4. Tyranny cannot operate under a voluntary system.
    The DICTATORSHIP of the Proletariat was how they sold it, but, of course, a “dictatorship” can only be a farcical oligarchy with a single DICTATOR.
    They demand compliance under the threat of violence – and, since humans aren’t automatons, coercion MUST be exercised – because people will rarely give up all their hopes, dreams, aspirations, loves, family, children, and grandchildren to the caprices of a megalomaniac. Some do, of course – we see them in the Demonrat Party here, as in the National Socialist Party of yore, in the CPUSA, and the Democratic Socialists. They must renounce God, family, life, compassion, decency, and Liberty to obtain the subjection of millions.

    Remember that Clinton sycophant who said (on national TV) that he would throw himself off the Washington Monument if Bill Clinton told him to?

    These people are lost – sick – and willing to kill to realize their phantasmagoric nightmare.

    Mad Max is only saying out loud a thin, watery version of what they all believe.
    And even she is couching her words for fear of incrimination. If she were to outwardly call for the deaths of the President and those who support him, she’d seem even crazier than she does. Even Hitler had enough sense to stay away from the Wannsee Conference.

    izlamo delenda est …


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