Why does the left lie about illegal immigrants and welfare benefits? – IOTW Report

Why does the left lie about illegal immigrants and welfare benefits?

Coulter debated the Young Turks cohost, Ana Kasparian, on immigration.

The dolt maintained that illegal immigrants receive no welfare.

Ana said to Google It.

Okay, I did.

Illegals get massive amounts of welfare.

Why do they  lie?

7 Comments on Why does the left lie about illegal immigrants and welfare benefits?

  1. ‘why do they lie?’ … I’ll one-up ya
    why doesn’t Trump put an end to this crap w/ an Executive Order banning benefits?

    sorry, I’m beyond ‘wondering why’ … I’m getting into the ‘kicking ass & take phucking names’ phase

  2. Even in the small town my dad lives in (and in which I grew up and live in too for now), many if not most jobs (mostly manual labor based on the economic environment / conditions) are taken by criminal invaders. Local industry hires them because they can get away with paying them $7.50 an hour for jobs that twenty years ago paid $12 to $20 an hour.

    The reason the employers can pay this lesser wage is because the invaders children get “free” education (from citizen’s property taxes), “free” medical care (the local hospital is in dire straits and teetering on closing because the illegals don’t pay anything at all toward their care), EBT / food stamps / WIC payments for food and subsidized housing for the “poor” invader families that supposedly can’t afford to pay for a roof over their heads. I see evidence of this every time I go into a store, watch “families” move into what I know for a fact is rent subsidized housing and any time I talk to local people that work in the local labor force they tell me how bad their own situations are because they can’t afford to work for such low wages.

    Yet these “poor” invaders drive around in late model vehicles and have a higher standard of living than the American citizen taxpayers who lived here all their lives that are forced at the point of a gun to pay for keeping up the families of people that shouldn’t even be in this country at all.

    WND reported that even a local chicken processing plant (among many others across America) now owned by J.B. Swift Co. has replaced local workers with moslem imports to take advantage of forced taxpayer subsidies. I heard through the local “grape vine” that a year or so ago all the long time, local employees came into work on a Friday night and were told to leave as they were no longer needed. Some have apparently been hired back based on necessity, but at severely reduced wages.

    Trump promised a better deal for these Americans unfairly displaced by our own government’s corrupt policies …. I certainly hope that he follows through with his promises or this small town along with many others across America will continue its slow death spiral.

  3. A big part of this flooding in of illegals over the last several years was to break the system. Also the illegals were heavily resettled in red states to weaken the hold republicans have. Part of why republican reps are so jelly spined is that their voting base has been heavily diluted by this influx.

  4. Increased border security as a result of the Obama administration???
    WTF is she smoking?
    This situation is Cloward Piven on steroids! When it wasn’t enough to load up the system with an entire plantation of inner-city Blacks, they gave bennies to illegal aliens to ratchet the whole thing up!
    Decades ago, immigrants came to this country for an opportunity to pursue a skill, a job, to learn and to live free. Today they’re running to the United States for the freebies like cats to the kitchen when they hear the cellophane or a can opener!

  5. moderator lets Ana talk WITHOUT interruption but butts in during Coulters response.

    Kudos to Coulter for not allowing Ana’s lies to go unchallenged.

    Increased border patrols under Obama? Really?

    Enrich our country with their culture? Barf!!!

    America has a huge illegal immigration problem. we have a larger ASSIMILATION problem.

    Coulter not afraid to go into the liberals den and stir up the crap. Love it!

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