Why Does The Public Hate The Media So Much? Here’s But One Example – IOTW Report

Why Does The Public Hate The Media So Much? Here’s But One Example

After reading a piece by Kelsey Snell (a punchable name emerges!), one where she outlines the potential political fallout of a possible government shutdown, I was left shaking my head and fantasizing about reporters being first against the wall when I am King.

Snell says the government shutdown will be the fault of republicans.

I quickly went to Bing to see if Snell covered the shutdown of 2014. My research turned up a Jazz Shaw piece that saves me a lot of time.

Shaw does a great job of exposing the media, particularly WAPO, for the cockweasels they are.

Check out this piece from Kelsey Snell and see if you can detect a bit of a… “tone” here.

Democrats in Congress have a new and somewhat surprising tool at their disposal in the era of one-party Republican rule in President Trump’s Washington: power.

It turns out that Republicans need the minority party to help them avoid a government shutdown at the end of April, when the current spending deal to fund the government expires. And Democrats have decided, for now at least, that they will use their leverage to reassert themselves and ensure the continued funding of their top priorities — by negotiating with Republicans.

“I think we have a lot of leverage here,” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.).

Did you catch that? “Power


Reassert themselves


Sounds absolutely heroic, doesn’t it? The party in power can be brought to heel if the Democrats can cleverly exercise their power.

Compare that to a different story. This one was unfolding in October of 2013. You will recall that during that period the Democrats held the White House and the majority in the Senate, with enough House seats to cause headaches for John Boehner any time they felt like it. And there was a government shutdown starting. How did the Washington Post describe it then?

Needless to say, at the link HERE, you will see the republicans described as the bad guys, the evil obstructionists and unheroic.

These are not journalists. They are arms of the DNC.

First against the wall.

16 Comments on Why Does The Public Hate The Media So Much? Here’s But One Example

  1. Why did Cain kill Abel? Because he was able.
    Same thing here. They are able to say whatever they wish, with little or no pushback. Schumer changed the Senate rules some years ago, now he want’s to change them back with regard to the Supreme Court nominee. Chuck Todd tried to jack him up on it and he bullshitted his way out of it. Nevertheless, no lame stream media outlet will call him for what he really is:
    A Goddamn fake, phony, and a fraud.

  2. Government shutdowns are always done by democrats to extort and bludgeon Americans to their will. Republicans got the blame in 2013, but all the Barry cades were erected by the executive branch. National park service is part of department of interior. I saw revolt against it first hand. It was the best examples of citizen uprising and disobedience I ever witnessed. That day obama realized that he couldn’t push us around. A GREAT AMERICAN day. Still have the photos on my phone.

  3. I remember when the government shut down with Reagan.

    Here’s a thought. When the government is shut down “Non-essential personnel” are told to stay home.

    Bingo – Bango, Trump should fire everybody on that list.

  4. Moe Tom. Hundreds of Barry cades tossed aside and ignored. At WWII, Vietnam Wall, Lincoln memorial Barrycades thrown about. It was a fantastic day. We told Barack that he wasn’t in charge. We are you puny bastard.

  5. The fucking liberals…..Sorry, but I lost my train of thought…..but, damn….I hate the fucking liberals simply because they are stupid fucking liberals, if for no other reason.

  6. Speaking of WaPo, dumbass lightweight airhead faggot Robert Redford had a bleeding heart anti-Trump screed in yesterday’s opinion section (NO I don’t get the compost! but saw this online). The comments section absolutely blistered him. Like 95% anti-Redford pro-Trump. Made my day.

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