Why Does This Woman Have $528,000 in Student Debt?!? – IOTW Report

Why Does This Woman Have $528,000 in Student Debt?!?

16 Comments on Why Does This Woman Have $528,000 in Student Debt?!?

  1. They are going to forgive debt for these entitled motherfuckers yet tax the hell out of me for selling something online for more than 600 dollars.

    I hope the terrorists streaming across the Southern border target those cocksuckers in DC…
    Kill them dead… I may join you!

  2. 3 minutes in, still doesn’t address the women with $528,000.00 student loan debt. This guy is hard to watch, PJW is tough too. I don’t mean to be a critic, oh, I guess I am.

  3. Projected student debt above $50k should *require* a financial class first year – so they can cut and run once they figure out it just won’t work.

    Morons – the lot of ’em. It *really* sucks we all, current and future tax payers, have to pay for these idiots.

  4. I was on the 6 year plan. My old man paid the 1st year and quit. Then I took a year off to gather my shit and went back, but attended the community college down the road for a year and transferred all credits to the university at 1/4 the price. Jumped between 5 jobs while at school and worked my ass off at a country club during the summer. Changed majors 3 times. Managed to only borrow $10k in aid. Paid that off 6 months after graduating. Sure, I had issues, but I have to ask, what’s wrong with kids today?

    My best friend upon graduating high school begged me not to go to college, but start an internet company with him. My old man said that would be a stupid idea and talked me into college. I ended up working for my best friend, college education not required. He walked away with $15 million after selling his piece of the company, while I collected a $50k salary. I haven’t talked to my old man in 16 years. Not my choice, he severed ties with me. Tell ya what tho, I have a burning hate.

  5. Go to 13:12 of the video and you’ll find that she originally borrowed $34,000 but because she apparently refused to repay the loan throughout her life (apparently made ZERO payments forever), she now owes more than 500,000 as a result of compound interest and the terms of the loan that she executed herself. She borrowed the money, but apparently has no intent to repay the debt she signed up to because ……. reasons. And according to her (and the other liars that took out student loans) the American taxpayer who DID NOT take out loans should be forced to repay their debt while they received the “product” they took out the loan for.

    This woman took out enough loans to become a “doctor” (PHD) yet she somehow didn’t earn what she thought she would / should after graduation in 1991 and now believes that every American should pay for the vanity degree she sought and received based on her own stupidity. I have no sympathy for her and think she should have whatever material goods she has taken from her to repay the loan she took out.

    I guess I’m too “old school”, but I still think that people that willingly borrow money should pay it back as they promised. In a moment of weakness (and a good sob story about his infant needing immediate medical care), I loaned a neighbor $50 for medicine for the baby almost a year ago based on his promise that he would pay me back as soon as he got his income tax refund in February of this year. His brother (a code officer) was murdered a couple of years ago in the line of duty and he convinced a lot of people that he had turned over a new leaf to honor his brother’s memory and the memory of his mother that died about a year after his brother was murdered.

    He has never even attempted to pay me back at all, yet he and his family lives off of my tax dollars (EBT, WIC, etc.) and buys multiple cases of Mountain Dew and Doctor Pepper, fast foods buckets of chicken, etc. every week or so. I yell to him every time I see him that I need the money that HE borrowed from me back, but his response is to mumble some BS at me and run into his house (he actually tries to hide from me if he sees me in the yard). He’s been offered several jobs and has “worked” a few jobs for short periods of time, but he always reverts to his true character and doesn’t show up for work until they fire him. I know that this A-hole will never pay me back, but it doesn’t deter me from reminding him that he still owes me the money he borrowed every chance I get, because he made a personal agreement (swore on his mother’s grave) that he would pay me back anything he borrowed from me, and it is really just the principle of the thing at this point. I think the student loan defaulter’s need the same treatment.

    I hope that enough people see this video linked above with the woman in question and yell at her every time they see her that WE (the taxpayer) need the money back that she STOLE from us. Lying in order to get money from people is THEFT, plain, pure and simple and I still hold out some hope that people have enough of a conscience to repay people what they owe them, including taxpayers that are stuck with their bills.

    Don’t mind my bluish pallor as I have probably been dead for a while now waiting on people to pay me back the money they owe me. These people wanting to avoid paying back their student loans only adds to my bluish pallor because I know they will never willingly pay back what they owe.

  6. Yeah Andrew grates on my nerve even though I agree with most of his points.
    @ ecp Tuesday, 10 October 2023, 1:07 at 1:07 am,
    That is one heartbreaking story.

  7. I’m no accountant, but I’m fairly certain not getting Biden’s $10k “relief” on her $50k student loan was going to make much of a dent in the first place. Her best bet is to go to Mexico then cross back over, disguised as an illegal, and ask for her $2200/month.

  8. Hubby and I love to watch Dave Ramsey taking calls. Have raised the kids on Financial Peace. The youngest is at Texas A&M driving a 13 year old Fusion and keeping it together when classmates have Lexuses and Range Rovers.


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