Why doesn’t the left allow blacks to make their own decisions about… Anything? – IOTW Report

Why doesn’t the left allow blacks to make their own decisions about… Anything?


LINK h/t Mr. Pinko.

11 Comments on Why doesn’t the left allow blacks to make their own decisions about… Anything?

  1. Tim FJB ….”The Malcolm X-looking dude is sharp”

    Malcolm Little had the Demoncrats and the Lefts, in general, “Number” much like this wannabe does.
    I don’t know the name or the “spiritual persuasion” of the sharp guy, but from the way he presents himself, I wouldn’t rule out him being a follower of Calypso Louie and his tribe.

  2. Ok, Seriously, mods-will you guys please start paying attention to what is being posted by others? Lately, I have seen duplicate posts of articles/video clips. Many are posted the same day, or just a day apart. C’mon guys, pay attention! this article and the previous one are about the exact same thing!

  3. This MAN is the epitome of what the progressive movement fears most. A member of a community they have usurped control over who tells them to sod off. Let me make it as clear as possible: The “leaders” of the various communities the progressive movement have co opted did not rise organically within ANY OF those communities. They have been hand selected by the progressive movement to advance their agenda and the progressive movement doesn’t give a shit about the welfare of those communities.

    They control the media and the only “spokes person for those communities” who the media, which is totally controlled by the progressive movement, who will not be frozen out will be the individuals who toe the progressive line and advance their agenda.

    It simply is a function of how they view others, when they needed cotton pickers they viewed black people as tools used to advance their agenda. They are Democrats and will claim: That was then and this is different, but it is the same old Democrats. The same ones who were responsible for The Trail OF Tears. They are absolute filth and deserve no quarter. To concede good intentions to them is to be complicit in their objectivization of human beings.

    They are what they are and what they are is unmitigated filth. Never concede good intentions to them.

  4. The Democrats-Terrorists of the Dark Web Party created the kkk in the late 1880s and have sought to enslave blaks and all other non-whites to present. Their mask thing is just a symbol of their hatred for blaks/non-whites while the vile hood has slid over their faces as a pretentious “covid prevention mask”. Joe the FJB Biden is a longtime known race supremacist who pretends he isn’t. Fauci Mengele hated non-whites by targeting orphaned blak and hispanic children by experimenting on them then kylling them in the 1980s, burying them all in mass graves up in Westchester, NY.

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