Why Due Process-less Watchlists of Any Kind That Chill Rights Are Unconstitutional – IOTW Report

Why Due Process-less Watchlists of Any Kind That Chill Rights Are Unconstitutional

Trey Gowdy spoonfeeds a dumbbell bureauweenie, step by step, in order to lead her to the revelation that her worldview does not comport to our nation’s constitution.


We are happy to meet with Donald Trump.  The NRA’s position on this issue has not changed.  The NRA believes that terrorists should not be allowed to purchase or possess firearms, period.  Anyone on a terror watchlist who tries to buy a gun should be thoroughly investigated by the FBI and the sale delayed while the investigation is ongoing.  If an investigation uncovers evidence of terrorist activity or involvement, the government should be allowed to immediately go to court, block the sale, and arrest the terrorist.  At the same time, due process protections should be put in place that allow law-abiding Americans who are wrongly put on a watchlist to be removed.  That has been the position of Sen. John Cornyn (R.-Tex.) and a majority of the U.S. Senate.  Sadly, President Obama and his allies would prefer to play politics with this issue.


It’s all about the “delay.”

The NRA plan, which, according to their statement is the plan endorsed by John Cornyn and the majority of the U.S. Senate, is mitigated against the charge that it is unconstitutional because it’s merely a 72 hour delay while the government scrambles to build a fast track case against the person trying to buy a gun.

Donald Trump tweeted this,

I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns.

Trump gave no indication in this tweet where he would stand on the NRA/Cornyn plan, whether he’d be for it or against it.

If I say, “you can never put too much water in a nuclear reactor,” what do I mean by that statement?

TrailBlazersBlog reports:

“Cornyn prefers his approach, arguing that some legislative proposals are meant only to make a point while his is intended to actually address a problem. Giving the FBI three days to investigate a gun buyer with potential terrorist ties would balance security with the need to protect the Second Amendment rights of law abiding Americans, he said.

“I don’t think it makes sense to deny American citizens their constitutional rights without due process. … We all agree that terrorists should not get guns,” he said.

Yes, we all agree that terrorists should not get guns. How do we do that?

What’s your idea?


13 Comments on Why Due Process-less Watchlists of Any Kind That Chill Rights Are Unconstitutional

  1. I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns. -Donald Trump

    USA Today writes, “It is not clear from the tweet what exactly the meeting’s objective is or when it would occur. The gun rights group, which has endorsed Trump, released a statement on Wednesday that said its position would remain the same, which is that that such restrictions would be “ineffective, unconstitutional, or both.”
    The NRA, though, endorses “unconstitutional-lite.” They endorse honoring watchlists, it’s just that after being denied your gun, a judge will determine if your 3 day delay will become a permanent ban.

    Lindsey Graham says: “This idea that gun control will make us safe, I don’t buy, but let’s look at the issue of no-fly list and terrorist watch list. I really do believe most Americans feel that if you can’t get on a plane because you’re such a risk, you probably shouldn’t have a gun,” Graham said. “I think Mr. Trump is smart to see if we can sit down and find a way forward that will allow people to be denied a gun but also the chance to say, the government got it wrong when it came to me being a terrorist. I think that is the sweet spot. I would encourage Mr. Trump to stay on this path.”

    “I think there’s a way that we can protect the second amendment rights of people who’ve been wrongfully accused of being a terrorist, and at the same time, make sure that people we don’t want to have guns, that they don’t get them, at least through the legal process,” Graham continued.

    So, Graham assumes Trump is going to the NRA meeting to agree with their stance. But that is not clear, just as USA Today says.

    Isn’t it all frustrating?

    We have the people who hate Trump telling us emphatically what he means by his tweet.
    And I’ve seen some of these same people whining that Mateen was taken off the terror watchlist, enabling him to get a gun.

    As I said yesterday, some people don’t know whether to shit or wind their wrist watch.

  2. Good grief! This would be hilarious if it weren’t so serious. This bint sits there with a deer in the headlights look on her face and never answers the question. Clearly unprepared and unable to think on her feet.

  3. “…it’s merely a 72 hour delay…”

    First, I’ll betcha that that 72 hours turns into a permanent ban in every case, yaklnow, just to be on the safe side. Things like this are always, ALWAYS the camel’s nose under the tent. Before you know it, the fucking camel is sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table.

    And I’m still not understanding what part of shall not be infringed they’re not getting.

  4. Exactly, MM.
    And I can’t help but think of what Ace wrote in a fantastic rant, one of his best.
    I’m paraphrasing-

    The left and right leadership are virtually the same, it’s just that our representatives seek to get us to the left in a way that makes it palatable to the right, making us believe we arrived there in conservative fashion.

  5. Get the fuck rid of the terrorists.

    There, problem solved.

    That every ISIS cell in creativity has not been reduced to a smoldering ash heap is an indictment of the Obama administration.

  6. Why was she so clueless? Simply put, these statistics do not believe gun ownership is a right.
    She can’t connect gun ownership with free speech, or right to council. The fourth amendment was stepped on without popular uprising. Why not the second. Warrantles searches, like no fly lists leading to waiting periods, puts the cart before the horse. They keep chipping away. One day we will wake to a nation with no foundation.

  7. Not letting any more Muslims into the US, and expelling those already here who aren’t citizens would be a good start. Next, pressing the question of Islamic law vs civil authority and the Muslim’s duty to bring about submission by forcible means as necessary would put many of the rest on the hook for treason. Get that far and then see how things stand.

    The fewer Muslims, the fewer terrorists. The fewer terrorists, the fewer terrorists buying guns.

  8. First, Deport all Muzzies brought in by Obungo.

    Then, Deport all Muzzies who want Sharia, and or will otherwise not integrate into society….

    Then, Deport all Muzzies who are on the no fly list, the terror watch list, or have committed any kind of crime greater than jaywalking.

    Deport all muzzies who are registered Dumbocrats.

    If they were US citizens by birth, or otherwise, strip their citizenship, and drop them in Afghanistan.

  9. All the conversation about a tweet posted on Trumps account is SPIN, pure and simple.
    An attempt to distract from the plain language Trump used on two occasions.
    Here is one of them;
    He is in front of a microphone almost every day.
    He is also aware of the shit storm he has created with this, but his silence is deafening.
    When the day comes that your constitutional rights can be taken away by the government through the process of merely placing your name on a list, we will have achieved absolute tyranny.
    This is a common practice with totalitarian regimes. First come the ‘lists’, then people on the ‘list’ start disappearing.
    Courts and lawyers are expensive and slow.
    On the plus side, the Japanese appear to approve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbM6WbUw7Bs&feature=share

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