Why the gay flag??? As illustr8r said when she sent it over, it’s not June anymore. So, is hockey permanently gay?
Why the gay flag??? As illustr8r said when she sent it over, it’s not June anymore. So, is hockey permanently gay?
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Well, Seattle. So there is that.
Seattle is the only team that did not turn in their queer/homo practice jerseys … go figure
For decades, the unwritten rule was the queers got Liza Minelli, tea cup poodles, and Broadway musicals, and the rest of us got sports and beer. They just can’t leave shit alone.
Seattle/King County has been forcing Seattle’s filth and degeneracy out into the suburbs and rural areas for some time now. It is every pathology they have embraced. If/when others have had enough of their bullshit it’s not going to be pretty.
Washington State has the Bellevue Boy’s Club to thank for this. It was the Republican establishment participating in the daylight theft of the 2004 gubernatorial election that ensured that everything the progressive movement was lusting after would not face any future resistance.
They turned the comments off on their post as far as I can tell. One person’s comment was that he longed for the days when hockey was just hockey. He got accused of being a Trump redneck snowflake. Another asked why not Red White and Blue since it’s right after July 4th-that makes more sense. He got schooled that red white and blue is represented in the rainbow flag.
You’d think a hockey crowd would be moderate to right at least. The tickets to a Kraken game are expensive so the fans who are season ticket holders are the high tech folks with big paychecks (or Boeing union guys I’d imagine). 9 outta 10 they are very progressive. They all rah rah’ed that the Kraken are going to keep their diversity warm up jerseys even though the NHL commissioner nixed the idea because it’s getting too distracting.
The freak flag is gonna fly and FU to anyone who is tired of seeing it or living with the results. So yeah. We ain’t voting our way out of the mess that Seattle has become judging by the comment section in that Kraken post. *sigh*
Who wants to tell the helmet wearing, fully armored, stick carrying guy walking on knife blades he’s a queer?
I want to watch.
Too many homo erotic terms – they can’t resist it. High sticking, penalty box, smashed into the boards, three on one, chin music, cross checking, and they love getting slapped around.
@JDHasty Yeah, my NextDoor has evolved from Lost Dog posts and,”does anyone have a recommendation for a handyman?” to security camera videos of porch pirates and creepy people casing houses to warn others to be on the look out for these guys. The local police post more too and its always terrible accidents and overdoses.
People on THIS side of the lake are well aware of the creep factor of Seattle. Redmond is going to crap fast. That is shocking me. The Left has such a grip it just seems that people will just make the best of it instead of voting differently. I read these posts and anytime someone says, “it’s the governments fault and the way people vote,” they get jumped on for being a Trumpster. They are Millennials generally who defend the way things are now. People with young families that you would think…would wake the F up. No, better to stay woke.
Pardon me while I go scream from my back deck.
What hasn’t turned gay? And what hasn’t gone broke. I’m perfectly happy sitting at home watching Longmire reruns. Butt Lite is still at it by the way. And that Lezbo add exec is long gone.
Really, who gives a crap about hockey or any other sport.
Our country is on the brink of destruction and we are worried about a stinken hockey team.
“People on THIS side of the lake ”
Hmm. Any Bass in that lake?
Won’t be long and the only way you’ll be able to avoid all the faggotry is to move to a Muslim community!
@Brad I had to look it up for you… CutThroat Trout, Large/SmallMouth Bass and Yellow Perch. You can get salmon sometimes but it depends on “in season abundance.” I learned something today! lol
Somebody has to post it. I guess it may as well be me.
I’m on my way. Towing the Bass Blaster. LOL
its not.
It’s Seattle. They can queer up just about anything up there.
Let’s face it – it’s time for the big rip on the Cascadia subduction zone to level Seattle and Portland. It’s the only way they’ll learn.
Where the hell is Don Cherry when we need him most?
Don was cancelled by the bought and paid for Canadian media, 600 hundred million goes a long way to prevent people who won’t play along from having a voice.
Don Cherry!!!
Tanks JD.
What else would expect from a team that plays NHL hockey at a stadium called Climate Pledge Arena. I’m glad we’ve only 4 more days to endure all this gay pride month bullshit. All you queers, freaks and other lgbtq freaks take your gay pride and shove it up your ass. We’re sick and tired of your so-called pride.
The NHL announced no more of this stuff.
But like others have pointed out, it’s Seattle.
Don’t watch hockey and sure as Hell ain’t gonna watch fag-hockey.
They should change their uniforms to French Maid get-ups (no panties).
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Is Hockey gay?
Well, it’s really popular in the Pacific NW & Canadia, so…
I’m a lumberjack, and I’m OK…
Now I’m a hockey player…
Hockey went gay when they started wearing helmets.