Why Hasn’t This Man Been Indicted? – IOTW Report

Why Hasn’t This Man Been Indicted?

In what is clearly an open and shut case of attempted evidence tampering and attempted bribery of a federal official, Undersecretary of Management at the State Department Patrick Kennedy should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  This accusation is generated not from leaked e-mails, but from the FBI’s own investigative summaries.

The state department’s undersecretary offered overseas posts to the FBI in nations where they are currently forbidden from going- if they would just let the state department reclassify some of Hillary’s e-mails so they wouldn’t be subject to Freedom of Information Act.


I’ve watched enough “Law and Order” to know that this is how you build a case, get the goods on an underling then offer to keep him out of prison if he testifies against others in the criminal enterprise.  You don’t give them immunity first then declare no one would ever prosecute the accused because there wasn’t “intent.”

22 Comments on Why Hasn’t This Man Been Indicted?

  1. Obola, Lynch, Clinton …

    The corruption is endemic to socialists in particular and to DC in general.

    A good, thorough purgative is required to clean the filth from the body politic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Joe re: “I don’t remember our government being so weaponized against the U.S. citizenry until Obama was elected.”

    Oh it was weaponized way before Obama, that is how he got put in office in the first place.

  3. He was just careless he wasn’t intending to bribe or obstruct justice.
    Integrity, Honor and Justice?
    Not in the DOJ or FBI.

    Just be quiet and pay your taxes so these scum have a golden parachute for life.

  4. @ Joe

    There have been a 1,000 cuts over the years to enslave the population. They cranked it up to 8 with O in office. Next step is 10 if they lose the election. Then expect the worst – blatant crap like interruption of power lines (EMP?), water, food, etc. making it “necessary” to implement Martial Law.

  5. One of the best things to come from the debacle of the FBI investigation: Hillary can’t be pardoned by Obama as he leaves office, because there was no crime.

  6. You could run that question over the pictures of 20 people right off the top of my head and the answer would be the same for each of them.

    The worthless bunch of mannequins in that big, white domed building in DC also know as Congress haven’t got the fucking balls to stand up to a black man for fear of being labeled racists.

    I tell ya this. If it was a dem controlled Congress and a lawless black, Republican president pulling 1/10 the shit this POS has pulled, they would have impeached him years ago.

  7. Kennedy, Clinton, Bush. Certain family names seem to be “unindictable” in DC. Although he’s not THE Patrick “Ambien” Kennedy, perhaps just sharing the same name suffices.

  8. There are those (who consider themselves good Americans) who believe that prosecuting the guilty would be bad for America, forcing people into believing (or understanding) that our “government” is thoroughly corrupt and needing to be replaced. Their paternalistic emotions belie their absolute rejection of the Constitutional principle of “We, the People” being sovereign.
    But they don’t see it that way, of course.
    They see America as a mass of great unwashed nose-picking dullards in dire need of the likes of *them* to *lead* us towards the Third Empire – which lies just beyond the next tax hike.

    God Bless em! And have mercy on their souls.

    izlamo delenda est …

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