Why Have Hurricanes Become More “Destructive”? – IOTW Report

Why Have Hurricanes Become More “Destructive”?

Look at the pictures below. If you have an IQ above that of a salamander, you can figure it out in 2 seconds.

JoJo cannot figure it out.

8 Comments on Why Have Hurricanes Become More “Destructive”?

  1. Gee, imagine that. A country with infrastructure for 100,000,000 suffers less damage than a country with an infrastructure for 350,000,000 (including uncounted illegals).

    Shitlib assholes always think they’re saying something profound when it’s obvious they’re either lying or being so stupid that they can’t handle more than one variable at a time in their minds.

  2. As residents of NE FL we choose to get weather updates via local coverage. Who’da thunk? This morning not ONE mention of the dastardly human caused climate change monster. History of recorded Florida hurricanes was presented (intelligence). How refreshing that all may not be lost after all. 🙂

  3. I’m with all of the above. Greatly increased development (gotta have those winter homes) and increased costs.

    For example the humble 2×4. Was less than $0.99 30 years ago now above $3.99. note: don’t forget the sales tax and the building permit costs.


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