‘Why Have We Shut Down The Country?’ Ex-New York Times Reporter Challenges The Dire Coronavirus Models – IOTW Report

‘Why Have We Shut Down The Country?’ Ex-New York Times Reporter Challenges The Dire Coronavirus Models

Daily Wire:

The models keep changing.

A coronavirus model that the White House has heavily relied upon has again dropped the number of projected deaths and hospitalizations. Last week, the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington projected 93,531 deaths. On Sunday, the IMHE lowered its estimated to 81,766 deaths. Then on Wednesday, the projection dropped the estimated total deaths to 60,415.

So, what does it all mean?

The U.S. has the highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world, with more than 435,000 cases and nearly 15,000 deaths. But projections from White House officials just a week ago – heavily covered by the mainstream media – put the death toll at 100,000 to 240,000 (a far cry from the 60,000 or so projected by the IMHE).

Alex Berenson, former New York Times reporter who worked for “the paper of record” from 1999 to 2010, has been doing his own analysis of the ever-changing models and offered some thoughts in a Fox News interview.

Berenson has been questioning the numbers for some time. He first challenged the model from the Imperial College in London, which initially said 500,000 Britons would die. The authors of the model later pushed the projection all the way down to 20,000 (right now there are fewer than 8,000 deaths).

“That was March 22 or 23, and ever since then I’ve been paying incredibly close attention to the modeling and trying to figure out whether it lines up with what we’re seeing in reality – and the answer is, it hasn’t lined up at all,” he said.

Berenson recently focused his attention on the IMHE model.


11 Comments on ‘Why Have We Shut Down The Country?’ Ex-New York Times Reporter Challenges The Dire Coronavirus Models

  1. Simple answer to why we have shut down the economy”

    The High Command, the Senior Partners, are making their move to head off a trend they don’t like and are using craftily created coronapanic as a tool to do it.

    This is reality, not symbolism. Wake up to what is really happening and what is being done (and it isn’t the terror of a relatively minor and moderately contagious disease).

  2. Never let a crisis go to waste, if the Butcher of Benghazi had won, the Nation Guard would be going door to door confiscating firearms at this very moment.

  3. As the projections of death and infection take a nosedive, so should the spending sprees in Congress. No more blank checks for Pelosi and Clyburn. Get tough, Cocaine Mitch. Get out your veto pen, President Trump. And do whatever you must to sideline Fauci. And SET OUR PEOPLE FREE.

  4. Estimate is now 60,415. Not 60,416, not 60,414, but 60,415! Any “scientist” or other “professional” who makes such a precise estimate should be called out as a fraud. This is not how it works. Even rounding to the nearest 1,000 would be suspect.

  5. We have closed down the world, not just the country, so that the global pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline can sell vaccines. Period. It’s as simple as that. I am going to provide evidence of who owns the patent on coronavirus.




    I did not commit suicide.

  6. I am a Canadian from the West (go Wexit!). I think this is/was a trial run by socialists to see how willing people are to destroy their economic lives. I write letters to my government representatives saying “give your heads a shake”. In Canada, there have been 509 deaths – this is .0013756% of the population. Dr. Fauci lowers the US Covid 19 death prediction to 60,000 – this would be .0001621% of the US population. And for these extremely small percentages, both federal governments have shut down their economies?

  7. The worst part of this whole thing is that republicans en mass know this is all bullshit and don’t want any part of a lockdown, yet our republican reps are going right along with the democrats.

    You can keep voting for those frauds if you want. I’ll never vote again. Go ahead and tell me how bad it would be if democrats won. You mean if they won the economy would tank and we’d be sequestered in our own homes by threat of law or something? When the national guard does start going door to door to confiscate guns, you think mitch and co are going to stop them?

    You know the definition of insanity. It’s voting republican and expecting republican policies to be the result if republicans win.

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