Why I Hate Soccer – IOTW Report

Why I Hate Soccer

Hockey coach versus Soccer coach- (bad language)

ht/ meerkat

21 Comments on Why I Hate Soccer

  1. So True , Soccer is Fun For the Kiddos and it Keeps Them in Shape in The Off Season ! I Know it’s a Hard Sport at High Levels, But it’s Really A Third World Sport… Watering Down Baseball’s Talent Pool !!!

  2. soccer is not a “spectator sport” for real men.

    only fags could watch a sport that if you walk away from it for most of the game and when you came back you see you didn’t miss any of the highlights.

  3. Ya’ll never hoid a Soccer coach say this:

    If hooking up one raghead terrorist prisoner`s testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying little camelshagger will save just one Canadian life, then I have only three things to say:

    1. Red is positive
    2. Black is negative
    3. Make sure his nuts are wet

  4. Before I turned off of all professional sports, due to various strikes, commercials, high ticket prices, I used to be a virulent hockey fan.

    Soccer really IS the most boring sport I have EVER seen.

    That video speaks volumes…priceless.

  5. A few in the NFL tried that crap, and they got 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalties.

    They also have REVIEW CAMERAS to check such nonsense. It’s like the British ignore bullshit no matter how obvious it is: soccer drama / jihadists….

  6. I see here a bunch of armchair-quarterbacking pussies who don’t know shit about what they are talking about. Soccer is a very boring sport to watch, pussies, ’cause it is sport to be played, not-stop, especially a roving positions, the entire game is constant running, kicking, dodging dirty kicks, getting cleated, tripped, pushed down, etc.
    There are no 15 minute pauses for disputed plays or obscenely celebrated 5 yard runs, or fatassed backs that can only run several yards at a time or they hyperventilate. This is a game little or no padding, and we kicked our shin pads of as soon as the game started. This is a REAL “full contact” sport. There a lot of broken bones, and in fact those who want to get to really kick some ass on the field can, and get away with it much more often.

    This is a game where small kids are equalized to big kids by speed, coordination, practice, and technical knowledge/skill. Size can be, and often is a big hindrance to scoring opportunities(but an advantage in defense).

    Soccer is CHEAP! It is an affordable sport in schools that can not afford hundreds of dollars per player (funded by taxpayers, and often a direct cause of public school WASTE)like private schools and magnet schools, and homeschoolers.

    Kids usually do NOT have a choice where they get sent to school and should be always exposed to organized sports opportunities. They should be encouraged always to get off their lazy fat asses and not have to listen to lazy fat-assed TV-watching, beer drinking football/hockey bigot armchair commentators who long ago forgot what it’s like to go to practice every day, run windsprints, dance through the tires, and have a big bruiser run full into you with no pads between, or take a direct kick full in the face, or balls.

    I hate the pencil-necked, commie-lib, weenie, vegetarian, God-hating fascist geeks who want to force an end to any sport for whatever reason, but not everybody lives in the city where taxpayers foot the immense bills for football and hockey; where only a limited few special kids get to play. I hate those friggin’ commie-libs who want America to be just like every other country in the world, ‘CAUSE WE ARE NOT, and when we are it will be all over for the greatest country that ever stood athwart the entire planet and shouted “STOP!”.

    We had a hockey player on one of the teams I played on in high school who had lost his front teeth in hockey and was always bragging about it, but he was a wuss both in practice and on the field. He and another guy who had previously boxed were always whining about having to take hits without pads. The boxer was a fat-ass, and had to play goalie ’cause he couldn’t run, and he was lousy at that cause he couldn’t leap or jump either.

    Prejudice against a particular game ’cause fag libs like it is being ignorant and bigoted in exactly the same way they are bigoted. The way to real physical reality for those many kids who are not getting it – which is the immediate path to other forms of reality – is organized sports, and hard fought competition to WIN! Kids should be encouraged compete hard at WHATEVER they have an opportunity to play at or work at, and not hear that some sports just aren’t as good others and not worth getting their butts up out of their couch in front of the TV/computer/cell phone/video games.

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