Why I Left the Left – IOTW Report

Why I Left the Left

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report used to be a big progressive. He even had a show with The Young Turks! But now he’s not a progressive. He has left the left. Why? Dave Rubin shares his story.

11 Comments on Why I Left the Left

  1. My late mother was a classic New Deal Liberal, and she saw the coming of the tyranny of these so-called “progressives” long before it was on the horizon. She decried the whole collective nature of the radical Left in the 1960s and 70s and called them what they were: Communists. Before Ma died, she became totally disillusioned with the Democratic party and refused to vote for a single one of them, opting instead for the occasional Libertarian or…. (gasp), a Republican. Ma was even excoriated by many family of her members when she came out for Goldwater. She loved Scoop Jackson, and called him, “The last real Democrat.”

    Ma was way ahead of her time.

  2. He wants to be a neo-neocon in the Republican party? Like Milo? To hijack, subvert, and de-rail, and de-fuse the right wing movement behind Trump – before it goes somewhere they won’t like? It’s too late for that.

    The Democrats can keep them. We don’t want them. Of course, the Democrats don’t want them either.

    Maybe he and his peers would be better off permanently moving overseas?

  3. If he’s still propounding the lie that the Nazi/Fascist/Communist/socialist/totalitarians should be referred to as the “left” then he surely hasn’t abandoned them.

    If you attempt to disguise the intentions and motives of ANY political group (in a more positive than reality fashion), you are aiding and abetting that group.

    “Left” sounds, decidedly, more harmless than “Nazi,” “Fascist,” “Communist,” “Socialist,” or “Totalitarian,” doesn’t it?

    Why are we all so askairt to call things what they are?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Actually everything he said wasn’t progressive…IS! All of those things have ALWAYS been at the top of the progressive list of ideals.

    I guess he’s never heard of the Fabian Socialist, where the “progressive” movement began, where George Bernhard Shaw and Margaret Sanger called for eugenics to rid the world of the undesirables.

    Progressives have always hidden the true meaning of their agenda behind a façade of well crafted words. The truth is they want an absolute oligarchy so they can rule the world…for our own good of course!

  5. They were ‘Progressives’, until people figured them out, then they became ‘Liberals’ until people figured them out, now they think all the people who knew what Progs did are dead, they once again become ‘Progs’ .
    Take the mask off, you’re Fascist as Soros, embrace it.

  6. ^whole heartedly agree.
    Let’s not act like superior when there is no need to be. Nothing wrong with taking it with a grain of salt, but why not accept him? People are not always as black and white as say… someone like Soros vs someone like Billy Graham.

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