Why is antifa against anti-maskers? – IOTW Report

Why is antifa against anti-maskers?


Makes little sense.

When you’re done scratching your head over that one, here is a similarly themed video from Prager U-

14 Comments on Why is antifa against anti-maskers?

  1. It makes perfect sense. Anti-maskers (the ones who won’t wear them because of the Wuhan flu) do two things:
    1) go against the Democrat/MSM narrative, where everyone MUST wear a mask. Any dissent is a threat to their power.
    2) threaten Antifa’s mode of operations (because if people are allowed to not wear masks then Antifa cannot blend in with the non-violent population).

  2. Antifa thugs are the modern-day Brownshirts of Nazi Germany.

    They’re on the democrat party payroll, and they are de facto employees of our government.

    Antyhing that goes against the democrat party narrative, they march out these loser goons.

  3. This “fighting” was embarrassingly pathetic. They were all scared to throw a punch or take a punch. I didn’t see a single person in this video that I would bet has ever been in a fight with anyone other than their siblings.

  4. Antifa is the democrats army, protected by law enforcement and sicked on anyone causing an issue for democrats. Wake up its the same for MSM and social media – that’s why those issues are never fixed. Democrats use them and they obey as called.

  5. The laughable cartoon characters wearing grandma’s old black leotards will DO ANYTHING THE DEMS TELL THEM AS LONG AS THEY’RE PAID. All them auntee foo-foo’s couldn’t care less about who’s wearing masks or not since all the auntee foo-foo’s are nothing more than paid gullible go-fers.

  6. Why is antifa against anti-maskers?

    The American antifa rioters, just like the KKK of the past, are soldiers of the democrat party. Democrats are pushing for total control through masks and lockdowns and anyone who disagrees gets democrats’ loyal soldiers sicced on them.

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