Why is Biden’s Illness Being Blown Off Like It’s No Big Deal? – IOTW Report

Why is Biden’s Illness Being Blown Off Like It’s No Big Deal?


Remember when bureaucrats and talking heads warned you ominously that Covid was so arbitrarily deadly that you couldn’t go to church, your kids couldn’t go to school, and you couldn’t have Christmas dinner with your family? If you didn’t triple-mask, you were killing grandmas. And if you came down with the virus? Boy, were you a selfish, evil person clearly set on trying to kill us all.

“But since Covid is typically dangerous only for elderly people and people with compromised immune systems or other high risk factors, shouldn’t we just put measures in place to protect those people and let everyone choose to live our lives?” we protested. Not a chance, we were told. They insisted even kindergarteners needed to get a Covid shot to save lives — a shot that doesn’t protect against infection or transmission, even though the vaccine snobs still praise it every time they get sick. “Thank goodness for this vaccine and the 19 booster shots that didn’t prevent me from getting the virus. If I had only gotten 18 boosters I would have been a goner, folks.”

And yet, now that President Joe Biden has contracted Covid, all those people who warned you the virus should leave you in constant fear for your life are awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact. We all wish the president well in his recovery. At 78, Biden is at a far higher risk for severe Covid complications than the average American, and far more vulnerable than the millions of schoolchildren that were banned from their classrooms by the Covid gatekeepers. But are those gatekeepers as worried now as they told you to be?

“Biden’s age puts him at risk for severe Covid, but experts predict boosters and Paxlovid will aid in a quick recovery,” NBC News assures us. “President Biden, double-boosted, is in a good position to fight covid,” adds The Washington Post.

My personal favorite, also from WaPo: “Biden’s covid diagnosis shows the benefits of avoiding infection.” (In other words, Biden getting sick shows the benefits of avoiding sickness — real J-school brilliance there.) Writer Philip Bump brushes off Biden’s positive test as “inevitable” for “a guy who meets a lot of people and does a lot of traveling, after all” — a far cry from the blame game major media outlets played when former President Donald Trump contracted the virus — before pitifully trying to justify why Trump was reckless for contracting Covid while Biden was not for doing the same thing.


18 Comments on Why is Biden’s Illness Being Blown Off Like It’s No Big Deal?

  1. I think Joey is burnt out and needs R&R to make a come back if he can. These MSM and Washington story tellers are all over the map with phony BS day after day. The “covid” could just be another lie.

  2. “Why is Biden’s Illness Being Blown Off Like It’s No Big Deal?”

    Well, partially because it is no big deal. COVID never was. It was used to bilk the taxpayers out of their money to give to politicians, insurance companies, doctors, and Big Pharma. It is no deadlier than the flu, but precedent was set, so now anytime the leeches declare anything a “health emergency” it triggers laws to violate your rights and pick your pockets.

  3. How wonderful it would be if he would do us all a favor and die from the shit.

    Now we have to suffer thru all this media BS and, if he survives to crash his bicycle again, to listen to how virile he is.

  4. They just needed several consecutive days to get Joe caught up on his IV cognitive meds, since he had to spend a number of days in the Middle East with them not able to call any Lids.

  5. Bullshit, horseshit, and more shit.
    Nothing out of any of them contains the least bit of truth – or fact, for that matter.

    LOOK! Over there! A squirrel!
    NO! Look over there! Another squirrel!
    Just don’t look at the grizzlies – the corrupt maggots in DC, the Media, and Academia.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. FJB doesn’t have COVID. It’s just another off the cuff lie to cover for the fact that he’s too goddamn senile now to function at any level. Basically his staff is running the White House and has been all year.

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  8. Joe Biden himself is a malicious, mega-jealous, child molesting putrid virus and the US would do well to be rid of him and recover from his bastardly reign over the nation. Add that his “covid” is all bullshhhyt and a common way for democrats to distract from their criminalities and sinister actions against the nation which they stupidly think isn’t obvious to Americans. They also laughably think that by hiding the Bident Bastard in the Basement Americans will forget what he’s doing against every American alive who can tell it.

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