Why is Comey Chameleon Testifying At All? – IOTW Report

Why is Comey Chameleon Testifying At All?

Jay Sekulow said it best – “James Comey is not a credible witness.”

He’s been fired for incompetence and untrustworthiness, yet he’s going to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

This is the same guy who said there was 10,000 classified emails on Huma Abedin’s laptop, only to say later that there was about a dozen.

So, whatever he has to say should be viewed with a sideways glance.

“Leaks” (ha) are indicating that Comey will say that Trump did not obstruct justice. It would be difficult for Comey to say otherwise without going to jail. Why?

18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony


18 Comments on Why is Comey Chameleon Testifying At All?

  1. Classic Perjury trap.

    Comey will try to imply much, but can’t make any actual accusations without indicting himself.
    The media will seize on imaginary “nuance” regardless.
    Maxine Waters will be disappointed.

  2. “Why is Comey Chameleon Testifying At All?”

    because … it’s SHOWTIME!!!! …. time to dance for Media & show the folks back home we’re spending their hard earned confiscated income wisely!
    why we’z gonna put that varmint on Double-Secret Probation this time!

  3. The Narrative for today is not that “Comey wlll testify”, but instead, “Trump will not block Comey’s testimony”, as if PDT had ever threatened to invoke Executive Privilege to block testimony. Like the last President did every fifteen minutes.

  4. Comey just found out he wasn’t near as smart as he thought he was. EVERYONE expected Trump to block his testimony with Executive Privilege. I would have like to see the look on Comey’s face when he realized Trump just called his bluff.
    I think you can tell a lot by a persons body language. And for a big man Comey moves like a total Fag.

  5. My personal belief based upon nothing at all: Comey’s testimony will be much ado about nothing. The anti-Trump crowd wants Comey to slam the President. The pro-Hillary crowd wants Comey to show that someone other than Clinton was responsible for losing the 2016 election. Liberals want Comey to paint Trump as a criminal or a Russian plant, and conservatives want Comey to provide information sufficient to indict Clinton.

    I don’t think Comey will do any of that. Sure, he may make some remarks that will reflect negatively on just about everyone, but there will be nothing conclusive. It’s Comey’s public life swan song – he will justify his investigations, but not reach any conclusions. And then he will exit public service.

  6. Comey wants one last hurrah in the limelight. Trump is pulling a classic jiu jitsu move by getting out of the way. Comey’s inertia will result in him making a bigger fool of himself than he already is.

  7. He can’t make any definitive statements because they are all ‘classified’ and therefore not for the taxpayers ears. Besides, since he is only a private citizen, he is not authorized to speak on FBI ongoing investigations, as he has said so many times before. (gov’t.speaky)

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