Why is Dianne Feinstein helping the Chinese military? – IOTW Report

Why is Dianne Feinstein helping the Chinese military?


Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., has proposed two amendments to the upcoming NASA funding legislation that would require companies that wish to compete for NASA contracts to pass, in essence, a background check to ensure they are not compromised by China. By no stretch of the imagination should these amendments be considered controversial. 

China is a serial thief of U.S. technology. It has a long history of extorting U.S. companies by forcing them to turn over methods, materials and marketing secrets as a condition of entering China’s market of 1.3 billion people. These state-sanctioned thefts require U.S. firms to name Chinese to their boards and management teams, who then can take what they learn to compete against the American firms with lower raw material costs because of Chinese-only purchasing rules. 

China also has a long history of spying in the United States. In just the past few weeks, the U.S. government has closed a Chinese consulate in Houston, banned TikTok, a popular social media app, and forced U.S. universities to close their Confucius Institutes, funded by the Chinese to install spies on U.S. campuses, and to return the money.   more here

26 Comments on Why is Dianne Feinstein helping the Chinese military?

  1. She did suggest she was Chinese in another life. She had a spy in her office for twenty years. Her husband has serious financial interests in China, which are covered up in a blind trust, so we don’t know if she has used her position for personal wealth enhancement. She has one foot in the grave, so she will never be held accountable.
    Can’t imagine why she would help the Chinese.

  2. M.O.N.E.Y. that’s why. and P.O.W.E.R. that’s why, too.

    She’s an anti-American opportunistic grifter who has no apparent loyalty to the country or countrymen of her birth.

  3. Because she’s too old and feeble to throw rocks and Molotov cocktails herself to overthrow the U.S. So she has done what she can do. Sit in her office and give the ChiComs anything they want. And make a shitload of money. Very simple.

  4. It would be nice to have a Siberia for people like her.

    I don’t get why people that have gained so much from just being born in the USA become traitorous dog shits like her. Apparently she does not see the PRC as the huge threat is represents to us. Rather, its a place to screw the US taxpayers out of millions and line her own pockets.

    Too many people have taken advantage of our freedoms to screw us.

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