Why is Hillary Clinton Like a Pebble in a Man’s Shoe? – IOTW Report

Why is Hillary Clinton Like a Pebble in a Man’s Shoe?

Because she’ll make him limp.


If you have an erection that lasts for more than 4 hours, click on this post.

11 Comments on Why is Hillary Clinton Like a Pebble in a Man’s Shoe?

  1. I have seen better looking eyes and faces on “the Walking Dead”. Come to think of it, calling AMC now, “you lost one of your actors”. She was last seen stumbling around her New York basement, mumbling something about “delete delete delete,” and then “kill kill kill”.

  2. @Geno – My understanding is that not being able to tell the difference between the real world and what’s just going on inside your own head is a universal symptom of mental illness. If so, she’s been a ripe candidate for involuntary commitment for a long, long time.

  3. I pulled up some pics of Charlotte McKinney to test this post. All was going well until I clicked to run the test. The shock of making a transition soooo vast resulted in uncontrolled wretching. To the untrained eye, I might have looked like Pajama Boy trying to auto-nob, well, except, without the Pajamas, or the boy.

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