Why Is Hillary Clinton Wearing a Bedsheet At The Tony Awards? – IOTW Report

Why Is Hillary Clinton Wearing a Bedsheet At The Tony Awards?

100% Fed Up

Why is Hillary Clinton increasingly dressing in clothes that could be confused for large ballroom curtains or bedsheets?

Does she think this is a good look?

And why is she on stage at the Tony Awards?

39 Comments on Why Is Hillary Clinton Wearing a Bedsheet At The Tony Awards?

  1. She is concealing the various medical appliances attached to her deteriorating body to keep her alive.

    I wonder what would happen if she were to be hit with an EMP.

  2. Top 5 reasons Hillary Clinton wore a bedsheet at the Tony’s:

    5. She came from a Pizza Party and forgot to change.

    4. A bottle of booze exploded in her luggage. Hey, what’s a girl to do?

    3. She stayed at a 5-star hotel and ripped it off thinking it was the White House. (Dementia?)

    2. She was as drunk as a skunk on a bunk and said to her lesbian partner, “Does this sheet make me look fat?” “Why, no honeyboo. You look slim and trim!”

    And the number one reason Hillary Clinton wore a bedsheet at the Tony’s is:

    1. Brain damage from the 2016 election against Trump!

  3. Actually, I think someone told her this was what all high-priestesses wear!

    She seriously thinks she is royalty and the whole world should bow to her.

    Why do you think so many of her “friends and acquaintances” are dead by ‘suicide’? It’s because they laughed or didn’t bow low enough for her highness!

  4. Airbags inside in case she seizes up—I mean, gets pneumonia—again? Probably has an emergency bollard under there, strapped to her ass like a big scuba tank.


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