Why Is Idaho Ordering Farmers to NOT Use Water for Their Fields? – IOTW Report

Why Is Idaho Ordering Farmers to NOT Use Water for Their Fields?

This affects 500,000 acres of farmland.

Hint: it has something to do with money they approved to send to Ukraine. But, wait …

16 Comments on Why Is Idaho Ordering Farmers to NOT Use Water for Their Fields?

  1. I knew a water rights adjudicator. He didn’t dare let the sun go down on him in central Washington.

    This could go hot. I have two cousins that hold two different 1886 water rights in Montana. It’s not joked about. Fucking with water is a fast road to FAFO. These farmers and ranchers forefathers fought wars over their water.

  2. Hey! Let me tell ya, you can plant potato starts just about anywhere. Big deck pots. Flower beds. Small beds dug up just for that purpose. Or big gardens. Learn how to fertilize them, water, harvest, cure, store etc. Sure, they’re normally cheap, so why bother? Because you’re going to need to know how to do it for your own or family’s survival. Plus, it’s fun – and delicious!

    Find some good, clean dirt.

  3. @ General Malaise Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 16:11 at 4:11 pm,
    Just sand here as far as you can dig….

  4. @ General Malaise TUESDAY, 18 JUNE 2024, 16:11 AT 4:11 PM

    Put in Russian blues and russets just over a month ago and the damnable things are thigh high and about to flower already. Damndest season I’ve ever experienced. The kids were selling them last year out along the roadside and their customers were coming back telling me they were the best they had ever had. Well yea, the kids took ya’ over and dug β€˜em out. Everything else you buy has been in a potato shed since last year and is starchy.

  5. There are wheels within wheels all spinning around this mess. Save the earth, too many people, down with whitey, replacement theory, 10 pct for the big guy, reparations, and the Presidential election.

    Someone is making money on this. Big Time.

  6. ^^^^^ If we’re lucky enough to get Trump back in I’m predicting military tribunals for at least a solid three years. How the F to the earmark money for the Uke and it ends up in Idaho. Something smells real bad here. And you can bet the armed peeps that show up with the badges will look forward to shooting your ass.

  7. Imagine, if you will, Bill Gates coveting ~500,000 acres of Idaho farmland. How much would he have to pay some bureaucrat to shut off water to drive down prices?

  8. Fucking with other people’s watter might not get ya’ bucket kicked, but that would demand considerable skill with yur shootin irons. That is a stone cold natural fact Jack. It’s not one fucking bit cute, funny or smart to even joke about anywhere between the Cascade Mountain Range and the Black Hills. Those families know Goddamn well that their people killed and died over that shit.


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