Why is Northam’s Nickname “Coon Man”? – IOTW Report

Why is Northam’s Nickname “Coon Man”?

Also, Onancock is not too good, either.

Onanism is slang for masturbation.

ht/ fdr in hell

northam yearbook screenshot

18 Comments on Why is Northam’s Nickname “Coon Man”?

  1. I dont think it is right to criticize or punish someone for what they did in the distant past when such behavior was not ostrasized then.

    It is not correct to judge the past by today’s standards.

    Remember, in the future, today’s “rules” could be turned upside down.

  2. Agreed, unless he’s a fucking democrat that uses race baiting to destroy those that have a different political view.
    In that case screw the baby murdering scumbag.

  3. Who can’t take a surprise?
    (Who can take a surprise?)

    Sprinkle it with doo
    (Sprinkle it with doo)

    Cover it in blackface and a miracle or two

    The CoonMan (the coonman)

    The CoonMan can (the coonman can)

    The CoonMan can ’cause he mixes it with hate

    And makes himself look good
    (Makes himself look good)

  4. In 1984 Jesse Jackson ran for president, one of few African Americans ever to run (Shirley Chisolm pre-dated him by a decade or so). Racism and our nation’s struggle with it was therefore front page news. So I don’t see why it was appropriate in 1984 for ANYONE to dress up in blackface, let alone in a KKK uniform, even though it was in “the distant past.” C’mon. Let’s stop apologizing for these privileged a**holes.

  5. I taught history in that part of Virginia and discovered that “Onan” is an old Indian name that means “Monster”
    “Moke” is Indian for “White bitch”, hence the town Pocomoke, Maryland.
    The Indians also had a gay beach near Onancock, Virginia, named “Wachapreague”.
    Seems the Indians in that area had quite the sense of humor.

  6. first soundgarden’s spoonman, now this idiot’s “coonman”….

    “feel the racism in your hands, steal the racism while you can…. COOOOONNN MAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!”


  7. Seems to me a White Jew Entertainer used the ‘Blackface” in his act back in the 1920’s and was considered entertaining. No one peed themselves over it then. The ONLY reason they are now is for blatant political reasons. I find it absolutely ridiculous that everyone is taking a man with a stellar record serving the people of VA, and selling him out over a stupid lapse in judgment. I guess it’s ok if the Republicans do it.. Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh… Let a Democrat buy a Black Car and he’s a racist Pig…Justin Fairfax just can’t seem to contain his Pretty White Smile in anticipation of taking Northam’s position. You people make me sick! Truly! What’s it been 400 years? Think it’s about time to grow up and maybe focus on the future instead of living in the past?

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