Why is the main harm of a long shutdown the pay of the workers and not the actual work? – IOTW Report

Why is the main harm of a long shutdown the pay of the workers and not the actual work?


The political and media elites are border deniers. They are also debt deniers. This partial government shutdown has finally forced a national dialogue over the most ignored national security problem of this generation at our border. But oddly, the fact that so many agencies and departments have shut down for three weeks and nobody cares has not spawned a national discussion over the purpose of having some of these jobs, other than to pay the employees.


16 Comments on Why is the main harm of a long shutdown the pay of the workers and not the actual work?

  1. But for a government “job”, many of these “workers” would be on Welfare.
    These are the glorified parasites who sit around and do little. Go into any big city City Hall and you’ll see the same thing. Lots of people sitting around jibber-jabbering with each other and not real interested in helping you out, entitled to be rude if you disturb them!

  2. Mrs Frank is in HR in Dept of Interior. This is their busiest time of year, hiring seasonal employees for Parks. When it’s all said and done she will get a lot of overtime :-). That’s how their office will make up for the time lost during shutdown.
    If she also gets back pay it will be quite a bonus. We practice good saving strategies so no paycheck isn’t a big deal unless it continues for a couple years.
    Most wage grade employees live paycheck to paycheck and there is a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  3. What happens when Trump has “sources close to the matter”? He beats the journos at their own game…

    “But 80 percent feel no pressure to produce results. If they don’t feel like doing what they are told, they don’t…Why would they? We can’t fire them. They avoid attention, plan their weekend, schedule vacation, their second job, their next position, some do this in the same position for more than a decade.”


  4. It’s all a trap. Trump goaded Piglosi and Schmucker into the shutdown. “I’ll gladly take credit for it. Call it the Trump shutdown.” They didn’t realize that current rules allow for these government union workers to be permanently laid off if they are furloughed for 30 days or more. This reduction in force is legal and will be the fault of Chuck and Nancy. Trump wanted this the whole time. They’ve been gone a month already. Do we miss them? These people do nothing other than drive up cost and obstruct the MAGA agenda. Once these parasites are gone, he will reopen the government and use the pentagon to build the wall. Brilliant.

  5. Holy shit. That headline.

    It’s so blazingly obvious and it never dawned on me.

    The Democrats aren’t howling about the integral functions of government going undone at all just the lack of a paycheck for the people whose work clearly isn’t necessary to integral functions of the government.

    Combine this with the anonymous column at the Daily Caller from the person who works in the Trump Administration and it’s clear. For the Democrats — and all entrenched politicians — being a government employee is just another welfare program.

  6. The US government was established for six reasons, which are unity, domestic tranquility, justice, defense, promotion of the general welfare of the people and securing liberty for all.

    The thought is excellent, but the political parties have turned government into a regulator, supporting disunion allowing Antifa, BLM and other socialist gangs to disrupt social order with no consequences, established a two tiered justice system and weaponizing the DOJ, FBI and the IRS, establishing a large welfare state to increase dependence upon government, all the while with a significant minority of congress attacks our God Given and Constitutional rights.

    This is all done to maintain control, enrich and protect the establishment and create a reward system of patronage employment, contracts and favors for those who support their political ideology.

    The federal government has become a political “jobs program” for political hacks to protect the swamp.

  7. “… not the actual work?”

    Uhhhh … what “actual work?”
    The simple fact is: 60%-75% of ALL Fed workers could be laid off without the country losing any efficiency, whatsoever. Dead Weight. Making the unemployable employable. Fat, grotesque, imbecilic, legend-in-their-own-minds, illiterate, innumerate, arrogant, egocentric, doddering, drooling fools pretending to do stuff. Our personnel dept. (later “Human Resources”) went from 5 working bodies to 45 (with 40 non-working-bodies) over the course of my employ. No shit – you could look it up – and the workforce that they “personnel-ed” remained the same (fixed by law, I believe).

    Has anyone noticed that the World continues to spin, even with the “shut-down?”
    Even some as dumb (common-sense-wise not corrupt-wise) as Schumer and Pelosi should have figured out by now that they’ve been tricked.

    Ah, well …

    izlamo delenda est …


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