Why is the Media Ignoring the Scooter Shooter? – IOTW Report

Why is the Media Ignoring the Scooter Shooter?

I can’t seem to figure it out….

21 Comments on Why is the Media Ignoring the Scooter Shooter?

  1. It’s like the white guy who shot 23 people at walmart and got 90 life sentences. At first it was big news when it happened until they found out he wasn’t a Trump supporter. Then they buried it.
    same with the 56 killed in Vegas.

  2. That was one of the first questions I had when I read about the shootings – what was the coward’s race (since it wasn’t mentioned). Could have guessed.

  3. If it doesn’t got the narrative and advance the progressives agenda…

    Nobody expects anything other than this type of shit, unless it’s possible to concoct some alternative to the truth they ignore incidents such as this.

  4. “Did you see Quadraphenia, man?”
    “No, I didn’t.”
    “Oh, you should man. It’s really good. It’s got all this Who music in it, man. Really good.”
    “Yeah, OK, do you have a question here?”
    “Uh, right, well it’s about the Mods, you know. They’re like early Hippies in England. But they’re not Hippies, they like ride around on Mopeds ya know…”
    “You wanna get to the point please.”
    “Yeah, yeah, well the Mods are like always taking these pills, they’re called Blues, man. I never heard of Blues man, like what are these Blues?”
    “As far as I’m concerned, it’s Negro music. Blue is not really a good drug color. I’d suggest Red’s instead. Okay, Rock and Roll Doctor, you’re on the air.”

  5. Who’s gonna rat out Corn Pop’s great, great dindu nephew on his mother’s side. Corn Pop clan are bad dudes according to beach bum Joe.


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