Why is this SJW holding her bloody nose? – IOTW Report

Why is this SJW holding her bloody nose?

See video inside post.

ht/ conservative cowgirl

39 Comments on Why is this SJW holding her bloody nose?

  1. Stupid people don’t realize that striking a police horse or dog is equivalent to striking a police officer. Usually a 1st degree felonly.

    Har, har, har.

    She’s lucky she didn’t get her chest caved in or her face shattered.

  2. Conservative Cowgirl sez: “When in doubt, let your horse do the thinkin’.” And: “Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction.”


  3. A simple misunderstanding.
    She was probably just trying to get an autograph from her hero; a police officer.

    Or she heard that the new cool act of defiance by swj “sweeties” is to hit horses?
    Mongo is back!

  4. She’s definitely not listed on farmersonly dot com. Clearly not a farm girl.

    It’s a warning to the snowflakes who promised to move to Canada if Trump won the election. The horses there don’t tolerate foolish people.

  5. I’d like to *hope* this girl got arrested,
    but I’m not holding my breath.

    Anyone know what actually happened to her afterwards,
    or is it just a nice schadenfreude vid?

  6. Slightly OT: I was sitting in a bar in Springfield, Ohio some years ago (mid 90s) near the police and court offices. Cops represented about half the bar’s clientele, all in street clothes.

    One cop had his K9 with him, a nice Shepherd. A cute drunk chick saw the dog and wandered over. “Awwhatacutelilpuppy.” The cop warned her twice to step away from the dog.

    Ignoring the cop, she cupped the dog’s face in her hands and put her face right in front of his. The dog’s reaction was lightning fast and silent. Drunk chick’s face turned from happy to in-shock as she released the dog’s head and slowly stepped away. As she sat down on a bar stool a ribbon of blood began tracing down from her forehead. K9 nailed her cleanly.

    Cop turned away saying “I told you to stay away from the dog.”

  7. I don’t think this was a SJW protest. It was a drunken student during an Oktoberfest parade in Kitchener (I think). There was a group (well, a lot of them) of drunk students watching and I believe her running up to the horse and slapping it’s rear was as a result of a dare the type young drunk punks tend to issue each other.

  8. You have no idea how bad that hurt.

    Last spring, while working cattle, the horse I was leading (a goofy bastard appaloosa) bit me on the shoulder. I turned around and punched him in the nose. He turned his flank and side-kicked me in the hip just like what she got. It hurt so f*cking bad tears came to my eyes.

    Bastard. Should have sold him for dog food.

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