Why isn’t Byrd up on Murder Charges?? – IOTW Report

Why isn’t Byrd up on Murder Charges??

32 Comments on Why isn’t Byrd up on Murder Charges??

  1. Define deadly force. Does force refer to the weapon or does it refer to the application? Does deadly force mean I can’t use a gun to protect my property? What if I don’t use a gun but beat someone to death? The force was less than deadly but its repeated application caused the death?

    If it refers to the application, then Kyle was completely justified carrying a rifle to protect property, he just wouldn’t have been able to kill someone.

  2. He’s correct. You can however use the threat of deadly force to protect property. Also, once the protestors start assaulting people they lose their protest protection and you can use force commensurate to your perception of the threat to your life. This dude needs to be disbarred and prosecuted.

  3. The leftist masses live vicariously through those actively involved in the rioting all last summer, PARTICULARLY those rioters who were assaulting and murdering innocent people.

    Kyle is not being prosecuted for having using deadly force against the rioters, the left doesn’t give a flying fuck about them other to use them to advance their political agenda. Kyle defended himself against physical assault on an innocent man by their alter ego. The fact that Kyle used deadly force in stopping their alter ego and in the course of doing so twice killed their alter ego is what has them so upset. If he is not punished for this it has a chilling effect on their continued bullying. If there is one thing a bully fears it is that anyone will have the temerity to stand up to them.

    There is not a single person who is expressing the desire to convict Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself against clear, convincing and immediate threat of grievous bodily harm or death that the above does not apply to.

    Put me on one of those Goddamned television shows and I will say that to their face. And I damn well mean it.

  4. ” You can however use the threat of deadly force to protect property.”

    That’s a thin line. I sure as hell wouldn’t be waving a gun around. Each states Penal Codes vary. Check yours.
    Most states Penal Codes allow you to protect yourself from a mob/riot if Law Enforcement is over run and can’t. The best example of this is the roof top Koreans.
    I’ve watched every bit of film available on Kenosha and that 17 year old kid was text book. This never should have gone to trial.

  5. It was a hit.
    It was sanctioned murder.
    He is immune – as is Big Pharma – the FBI – the NSA – the CIA – the Traitors in the House and Senate – the Traitorous Usurpers in the White Hut and Naval Observatory.
    The filthy, sneaking maggot who murdered Vicki Weaver, as she stood passively holding her infant, has escaped all repercussions – until he stands before God.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Yet one main argument of the left (if you look at the #kyleisguilty trending twitter hashtag) is if Kyle were black he would already be serving life in jail and that’s proof of systemic racism.

  7. JD put his finger exactly on it. There will be a lot fewer blm/antifa minions who will mess with an armed anti-rioter because of Kyle.

    Until POTUS Trump is back in the oval nothing will happen to Byrd.

  8. “There will be a lot fewer blm/antifa minions who will mess with an armed anti-rioter because of Kyle”

    I’m afraid they will just come more heavily armed. There are ANTIFA members that trained in the Middle East.

  9. CCW works two ways.
    Kyle was retreating while being chased by three or more people that were trying to kill him.
    If you can’t defend yourself there, you can’t defend yourself anywhere. Kile had at least as much right to be there putting out a fire as the people that were lighting them.
    Was it wise? Not the point.

  10. The DA will just use the argument that The Murderer Cop Byrd was NOT protecting property. He was protecting Amerikka’s Royals, AKA the Ruling Class and their owners, the Enemedia and Corporate Amerikka.

    Amerikka, the Home of Unfettered Capitalism.

    Capitalism is good, great even. Unfettered Capitalism is tyranny by other means.

  11. @Bart Simpsonson — America (only a communist would spell it with a “k”), is NOT the home of unfettered capitalism. There are so many taxes and so many regulations on how we save and spend money, it’s nauseating. The only “unfettered” money keeping and trading is by the globalists (as in NOT America).

    BB: That’s why I wrote antifa/blm “minions”. You’re right about others showing up more heavily armed. Still, they’ll be a little more nervous about it too. Being able to shoot, I imagine, is a little different when someone is returning fire.

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