Why??? McDonald’s Fires 70 Americans in Ohio and Brings in Foreign Workers on H-1B – IOTW Report

Why??? McDonald’s Fires 70 Americans in Ohio and Brings in Foreign Workers on H-1B

Breitbart – An iconic American company, McDonald’s, has quietly outsourced the jobs of 70 white-collar professionals in Ohio to foreign H-1B workers. 

The H-1B outsourcing in the nation’s heartland showcases the growing corporate use of foreign H-1B workers to replace American white-collar professionals, and it comes after companies have used waves of legal and illegal migrants to slash blue-collar jobs and wages in Ohio and around the country.

Also, the 70 Ohio jobs that McDonalds outsourced to lower wage foreign graduates are not Silicon Valley technology and software jobs — they’re white-collar accounting jobs performed by graduates from mainstream business schools. That outsourcing of mainstream business jobs spotlights the growing movement of foreign workers into all corners of the nation’s white-collar professional economy.


I’m not trying to start a fight here, but I must point out that this is the program that Ted Cruz wanted to increase by 500%.

ht/ rob e.

34 Comments on Why??? McDonald’s Fires 70 Americans in Ohio and Brings in Foreign Workers on H-1B

  1. Helen Keller can see what is happening…and wash your mouth out with soap for uttering the name “Ted Kruz.”

    Globalism. Like it or not, that’s the signpost up ahead. 👿

  2. I hope someone brings this to Donald Trump’s attention and that Mr. Trump calls McDonald’s out for this shit. I hope this hurts McDonald’s brand severely so they will reverse this traitorous behavior.

  3. 70 more Trump voters in Ohio. Thanks, Chamber of Commerce Uniparty.

    Saw Jeb! last night in the runup to the Emmys. He was playing a limo dtiver for Kimmel. Even made fun of his own exclamation point. I remember when Jeb! used to be disdainful of Trump’s piffling reality show. But it sure looks like he’s enjoying all the Hollywood flattery nd attention now. They just adore this guy who would have known how to lose to Hillary with grace, and they’re not going to let him cry just because of some dumb old basket of deplorables.

  4. Zilla, the McD CEO did promise a “modern, progressive burger company”, and they hired former Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs as Chief Marketing Officer. I’d say they are quite pleased with themselves right now.

  5. Don’t go there.Last time I did a fish sandwich an a carton of milk was 37 cents. Never did have a Big Mac.Later on tried a breakfast burrito,don’t it’s 5 thousand calories Ha.


  6. First they (rich corporates with politician help) said America lacks enough science grads, and created the myth of “STEM crisis” to bring in thousands of low-cost workers on H=-1B visa to replace Americans. Now accounting – maybe they will invent another scam like “FACT crisis” – Financial and accounting crisis…

  7. The McDonalds of today do not serve the same food they did 5o years ago. Much better quality then, even if it was still junk food. KFC chicken is the same. It does not taste the same as it did 20 years ago. And way overpriced.

  8. Will Smart, remember the medium rare QP’s dripping grease back in the 70’s, the frieds cooked in lard, the fried apple pies? It is true, Mc Donald’s is a shadow of its former self.

  9. Where’s kasich? Oh he’s busy doing news shows saying he will not vote for Trump. This idiot is allowing this to happen meanwhile still thinks he can be prezzie some day. What a douche bag!

  10. I wonder whether Oak Brook knew about this. Other commenters are right, Trump could roll with this big time and force McD’s to reverse their decision and promise to review the H1-B visa program when he’s elected. He’s pick up a bunch of votes and besides, most of the big corps hate him already.

  11. @FreedomCat, I also live in Ohio, Buzzard County, south of Cleveland and haven’t seen a single Killary sign in 3 counties.

    As for Kasich you can bet he approves of this 100%. If you travel to Columbus and must stay overnight then be careful of your hotel/motel choice. Son of a Mailman has imported loads of Somalis and many work in hotels off 270 or at Steak and Shake. The Somali hotel workers are big trouble especially for women travelers. Complaints do nothing.

  12. I actually have liked McDonalds. No more. I can fire them as easily as I’ve fired Target. The NFL is next.
    Sounds like the Tim Kaine 3rd world employment program — bring turders here, kick out Americans, pay the turders a lower wage, who cares what happens to the Americans let them eat cake.

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