Why Multiculturalism Fails – IOTW Report

Why Multiculturalism Fails

When people of diverse backgrounds are forced together in proximity, it creates social distrust. Society breaks down. Ethnocentric cultures thrive over multicultural ones.

It’s not too late.

17 Comments on Why Multiculturalism Fails

  1. All by design of the NWO leftists. It’s why they need total control of schools, social media and news. When too many of the populace begins to understand this simple truth, they know they will end up on the ash heap of history by the most unpleasant ways imaginable.

  2. Multiculturalism destroys (not merely fails) societies ruled by brittle designs, created by and exclusively for, monocultural societies. This shouldn’t be a surprise. A task, and a tool designed specifically to perform it, often go well together. Applying the same tool to a, radically, different task, does not. Is that a failure of the task?

  3. Anything forced upon people by tyranny fails eventuality. Because power corrupts and people rebel when the bull💩 fed to them does not bring results they were promised, over and over and over, again.

  4. The American culture has been the classic example of a very successful melting pot. Because it was so successful and powerful it needed to be attacked by those whose only method of bettering themselves is by dragging everything else down to their level of absolute suck!

  5. When the youth America grow tired of the empty promises of the left and realize they have been manipulated, they will begin to rebuild their national identity.
    Us Old Guys will be around to offer advice and counsel.

  6. @TheRatFink – the US was a successful because it WAS a melting pot – not a stew. People were united by a shared morality, core beliefs and one language.

    When the country was overwhelmed by more immigrants than could be assimilated in the early 20th century, immigration was all but halted. From the early 20’s until Teddy Kennedy opened the flood gates in 1964 we had almost no immigration.

  7. The lion and the lamb don’t seem to have multiculturalism worked out. The issue may well be hidden deep in the genetic design. Some people think they can work it out with a hammer and brain washing if applied daily via social media applications. I have my doubts.

  8. Multiculturalism can exist as long as the cultural identity is second to the national identity and Government plays no part in maintaining their culture either legally, officially or financially. Let people from a different culture who wish to maintain some of their customs and traditions do so at their own expense of time or money and at all times remaining second to the culture of their adoptive home.

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