Why No Refugee Placements in DC? – IOTW Report

Why No Refugee Placements in DC?

Since October of 2016, only 2 refugees have been settled in DC.



ht/ Annie

11 Comments on Why No Refugee Placements in DC?

  1. we need a focused liberal test bed, since they are so accepting, loving, and tear up at the word “refugee”

    we can call it a “refugee center of excellence”

    send to manhattan, hollywood, aL franken’s neighborhood, austin and houston tx, seattle and portland for starters

  2. Those congress critters are all heart! Just think of the personal sacrifices they are making by not participating in Obamacare or having the privilege of a bunch of peace-loving Muslims living next to them! They do more than their civic share just by hiring some illegals to mow their lawns, trim their bushes, walk their dogs and wash their cars!

  3. The answer is pretty simple, there are already more then enough useless Democrat mooches in in DC they have to be placed in swing districs where a Republican might otherwise have a chance of being elected

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