Why so triggering? – IOTW Report

Why so triggering?

Reader Val sent this in.

What picture on the wall in your room would make you check out of the hotel?

52 Comments on Why so triggering?

  1. Barack or Michelle Obama, Bill, Hillary or Chelsea, Malcom X, Al Sharpton, Bruce Jenner, Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Jesse Jackson, Occasional Cortex, Maxine Waters, Sheila Lee Jackson, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer.

    Other than that, I’m probably ok.

  2. That’s pretty pathetic.

    I remember a painting that depicted black Jesus (humongous, and coming from the clouds) bestowing a house and cars to a black family. Something changed in me that day.

    I doubt I would have noticed a picture of a General of any kind… especially in a hotel.

  3. I would rest easy under a painting of Robert Edward Lee… but I reckon I’d have problems resting easy under a painting of William Tecumseh Sherman.

    Photographs of Sherman exude insanity. Useful insanity, but insanity none the less.

  4. I’m not the kind of guy that sees pictures on a wall. I couldn’t tell you the color of the wall, the carpet, or the ceiling. I couldn’t even tell you if the teevee worked or not. If I don’t get hot water in the morning I would notice that. I guess after you’ve spent enough nights in hotels they all look the same. Even the nice ones.

  5. It would have to be gruesome or normalizing a perversion. Have a picture of pedo action on the wall or a decapitation and I’m outta there.

    Show me you’re a sick fk and I’ll believe you. I’ll trust not to sleep near you or on your turf.

  6. Lava…. honestly. That’s why you always get the room with the double beds. That way you can jump from one side of the room to the other without getting your feet burned.

    No one…. no one has ever had to jump from bed to bed to avoid lava?

    Just me?

  7. Now I’ll have to observe what else they are “hiding” in such sleeping quarters ..

    Can you imagine her conversation with whoever she complained? Was she expecting that they’d remove it because of her?

  8. Andrew Coumo, Hillary Clinton, Hitler, Satan (am I being redundant?)
    Charles mansion. Lennin, (john or Vlad), Mao, pretty much other than that I’m fine I sleep like a baby

  9. I once stayed in a room with a picture of a young woman sitting in a flower garden, most probably wouldn’t have been bothered by it, but she just looked creepy to me and one of those that seemed as if her eyes were following me.

    I didn’t check out though, just finally took it off the wall and set it in the floor facing the wall.

  10. I guarantee you the fucking idiot would have no problem sending their kids to public school in a building named in honor of Woodrow Wilson, THE most racist/segregationist man to be a President since reconstruction. Possibly in the nation’s history.

    Virtue signaling shitbags get on my nerves

  11. Had a cursed flight on Southworst airlines back in 2000. Due to lightning the flight was cancelled in Chicago. People bitch so loud at Southworst, they finally gave in and got a limo transporting us to what was the Chicago version of the ‘Overlook Hotel’.
    Here’s Johnny,
    All night long, not a wink
    Last time I was triggered,,,
    Kids today, God bless ’em

  12. A store in a local mall is selling purses with First Hatey’s photos covering every inch of that cheap merchandise.
    Another reason why I’m glad President Trump is cracking the whip on Chinese tariffs. The Chinese make those Big Mike purses – *shudder*

  13. I was checking in to a hotel once and asked if the porn was disabled.
    The valley girl behind the counter said “No! It’s regular people porn you sick bastard!”
    I checked in to the hotel across the street instead.

  14. I went to Wilson Elementary school when I was in 1st grade way back in 1959, 60 years ago, by the way it’s still there. And the next school I went to was named after some guy named Irving, that school is long gone. As far as pictures in hotels/motels go most of them are boring and superficial like elevator music.


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