Why Springsteen Canceled – IOTW Report

Why Springsteen Canceled

bruce springsteen ladies' room

Iron Horse Patriot

h/t Doc.

9 Comments on Why Springsteen Canceled

  1. From a letter to Sprungstone, cited at


    “When you booked the concert in Greenboro, the laws in North Carolina were just as they are today: In public facilities, people had to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that corresponded to their biological sex. Why, then, did you agree to come in the first place? Why cancel the concert when things today are just what they were six months ago?”

    The rest of the letter is a good read too.

  2. No loss here. After his intro album (highly hyped by Stereo Review), he hasn’t done shit that impressed me. For all I know, that’s how most of the deep south feels about Mister Noo Joysy.

  3. Boobie…

    his albums were also highly hyped in Rolling Stone (back when that rag meant something). Ralph J. Gleason must be rolling in his grave.

    Anyway… The author of one of those features in the Stone and the man who originally penned the quote “I have seen the future of Rock and Roll and it’s name is Bruce Springsteen” was Jon Landau. Now… guess who’s the executive producer on most of his albums?

    A com man/job from the start that very few people picked up on.


  4. This was a big F-U to his fans.
    Many people have to pay a lot more than face-value for tickets.
    They won’t necessarily get a refund .

    He could have given his concert and Dixie-Chicked his audience with an additional liberal grievance manifesto for half an hour.

    Would have been a good time for patrons to use their correct gender bathrooms, then get a another $18 beer.

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