Why the F*&k Did My Health Insurance Just Go Up So Much? – IOTW Report

Why the F*&k Did My Health Insurance Just Go Up So Much?

The writer should be asking herself how she could have been so dumb as to vote for this fraud, twice.



Be sure savor the comments on this one, they aren’t even pretending anymore that Obamacare is nothing but an unmanageable burden on working people.



23 Comments on Why the F*&k Did My Health Insurance Just Go Up So Much?

  1. Before anyone knew what was in it, since then, every reason I provided for why it was a terrible law has come true.

    I’ve been waiting patiently for leftists I argued with back then to send me an apology. I’m sure their berating my claims and carrying on about how racist I was simply slipped their minds.

  2. Just learned that Medicare won’t pay for Uflexxa injections for my knees, but will pay for less efficacious Synvisc, that my doctor told me probably won’t work for me. My supplemental insurance will only pay for what Medicare pays partially.

    If we had the money we put in through the years into the “fund,” and the amount we pay for Medicare, DH and I could probably keep 20 oldsters in comfort for decades. I’m beyond p!$$3d.

  3. Doncha just love the name: “Affordable Care Act”?
    It’s how ya know it was fabricated by Communists!
    Give it a nice sounding name, then bend the hard-working overtaxed-payer over and rape the hell outta them with it using Obama as the dick!

  4. My daughter who makes $800 a month had her premium TRIPLE ($50/Mo. to $150/Mo) from 2015. With much lower of benefits. This is all AFTER her subsidy. IOW she spends almost 20% of her income on HI. Where do I go to kick somebodies ass?

  5. From the get-go this grand fraud was as obvious as Mooch is repulsive.

    Still waiting
    for the RepubliPUKES to do ANYTHING in response to this CRIME.

    Fe them all. Both parties. Every single one of them.

  6. When Obamacare was just in the discussion phase, I went around saying, “This plan will not give us more or better health care. It will, however, give us way more bureaucracy.”

    I have repeated this mantra of lib-hating many times since then, including several times in this forum. I’ve been proven right in spades. This hand job on the middle class should never even have made it to the Congressional hopper, never mind being passed to become the law of the land.

    But of course, nobody listens to poor old Aunt Sedra. They need not wonder how I became such a bitter old hag.

  7. I had a great deal of fun one night on the Fall of 2010. Nita Lowey was still my House representative then, and she was running for re-election. An earnest young lady came to my door one night campaigning for her.

    I cut right to the chase. “So, did Rep. Lowey vote for Obamacare?” I asked.

    She smiled. “Yes!”

    I can’t tell you what great satisfaction I got to slam the door in this idiot’s face.

  8. The article’s author is downright DISHONEST and/or STUPID — probably much more of the former.

    What’s the first reason she cites for skyrocketing insurance costs? This li’l gem: “There isn’t a lot of state and federal government oversight and regulation when it comes to the health-care industry.”

    Say what?? TOO MUCH “federal government oversight and regulation,” IS THE REASON, you stupid bint!

  9. I don’t have Insurance. I looked into it. If I spend a grand a month for myself and the Sainted Mrs. Lazlo, I can anticipate a ten grand deductible each, plus a tax burden on income ‘subsidy’
    I USED to have a catastrophe policy at fifty bucks a month each, and some savings in case she broke my arm.
    It’s all a sham.
    Just like Global ‘Hot/cold/wet/dry’, it is nonsense progressive ideas that have never proven sound despite wearisome repetition.
    Its never worked, it wasn’t designed to.
    It was designed to screw up the system so bad that they can pronounce it unsustainable without government intervention.
    Then they turn going to the doctor to an experience on par with going to the DMV
    Numbers, endless waiting, mindless bureaucracies controlling the personal care of your body.

  10. PJ O’Rourke will forever have a warm place in my heart for coming up with the phrase “Lava-Lamp Luddites” to describe the billions-funded professional EnvironMENTAL Industry

  11. The company I retired from had an excellent health insurance plan.
    Went to a meeting a month ago, Obama is taxing the self funded plan we had at a 40% increase in costs. They weren’t allowed to provide for their employees like we were promised by taxing something they had no control over other than a tax.
    The company tried but was unable to justify the tax increase to it’s stockholders.
    O’Baja’s plan forced the company to trade in our Cadillacs and give us Yugos instead. I would have better care under Medicare now, asshole, just like the French said.

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