Why the Greatest Refutation of the 1619 Project May Come from a French Liberal – IOTW Report

Why the Greatest Refutation of the 1619 Project May Come from a French Liberal


Perhaps, we as 21st-century Americans should adopt some humility surrounding our own abilities to interpret and understand the motivations and events encompassing the founding and early years of our nation, lest we run the risk of rewriting and corrupting our history. It has now been nearly two and half centuries since George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and the numerous other brave and distinguished signers of the Declaration sent this young, impetuous nation into bloody battle in the hopes of securing liberty and independence.

Two and a half centuries is a long time. A contemporary individual who claims to know that what was truly lurking in the nation’s heart and soul during that revolutionary period was nefarious and wicked and in sharp contrast to the stated goals and beliefs of the founders must either be the grandest of scholars or an absolute charlatan.

That is, however, precisely the thesis of The New York Times’ 1619 Project.

Nikole-Hannah Jones, the author of the project’s inaugural essay, argues that the founders were motivated not by the ideals of liberty, freedom, and democracy that they preached but rather by the preservation and promulgation of slavery. It is subjugation not liberation, according to Jones, that defines the American story.

It is for this reason that she believes “1619,” the year the first African slaves were brought to the new world, “is as important to the American story as 1776.” Parts of the essay even paint 1619 as the nation’s true cultural founding.

Later in her essay, Jones makes a point that has drawn particular ire and criticism from the historical community. She writes, “one of the primary reasons some of the colonists decided to declare their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery.”

She continues with this line of reasoning, drawing the conclusion that many of the founders only favored independence because “independence was required in order to ensure that slavery would continue.”

She goes further still, stating “that this nation was founded not as a democracy but as a slavocracy.” more here

6 Comments on Why the Greatest Refutation of the 1619 Project May Come from a French Liberal

  1. The fact that there has been no substantive pushback form the Republican establishment tells us where they line up when it comes to advancing the progressive agenda. If you want to know what institution was motivated by protecting slavery you need look no further than their “friends across the aisle.”

    To have these fucking heirs to the very thing they are pointing their bony fingers at others and accusing them of should have been wadded up and shoved right back down their throats decades ago. Make no mistake about it, there have been Constitutional conservatives in elected office who had the ability intellectually and rhetorically to have disposed of this bullshit and more than willing to do so. The reason it persists is because the Republican establishment has put literal traitors to American in positions of power who have prevented them from kicking the bastard’s asses every which way but Sunday and leaving them laying there in in a puddle of tears.

  2. The 1619 Project, along with every other Nihilistic gnostic theory will become Truth in the next twenty years. This week, the Federal Court cleverly denied the right to a defense by the accused even making it impossible to hire an attorney, not that it matters. No one is complaining about this event, no one is thinking about an insurrection or abolishing Federal Rule to reset our Republic. A Federal judge, appointed by Clinton , denied the request to recuse himself while overseeing a suit against Hillary claiming that she and her staffers enabled the Russian hoax against Trump. The trial was thrown out because the evidence which was a powerful litany of her crimes looked dangerous to the judges client, Hillary. So , the judge called it a nuisance suit, based upon hearsay. Furthermore, he fined Trump almost a million dollars for going to court over a proven historical fact. So why stop there? Give the fine to Hillary and those criminals who advanced the hoax. Then, explain that this process would be repeated in other suits brought by Trump who has less than a dozen counter suits against over four hundred suits against him by Democrat entities…but why stop there? Include the million dollar fines to apply to Trumps attorneys, stopping representation cold. Want to defend Trump ? Get ready to be fined. Countersue? But why stop there? Opine that the process will become normal and seem to intimate that Trust and Contract Law is no longer to be followed. So, why is the Supreme Court not acting to stop this unlawful attack on civilization ? Are they waiting for a year or more to see the case while precedents destroy every court in this country. State elected attorneys punishing the innocent for wrong think. Taxation by courts. This has been seen before in Germany and Russia and throughout history. Trump must be destroyed even if, in doing so, we are enslaved by the Huns of the Left.

  3. Letitia James, another evil sub human, was also cheered on in her election goal to go after a citizen and destroy the family…Elected to destroy someone who has now been pursued by law enforcement and courts for seven years or more….this is evil and must be stopped. Going after family trusts, businesses etc without a precedence of crime is vile and it will infect this country with Leftist Nazis if not stopped.

  4. We need to remember that the winners write the history.

    It may be changed or corrected in the far future, but an example is: who really cares anymore that Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA? Those who were alive, like me, were kids.
    The world may have been better or worse had he lived, but we will never know.

    Same with the 1619 project. I believe it is evil. How will the world be if it becomes the truth to many? When will it be exposed for the fraud it is that so many people believed?

    Sorry – very existential questions for me on a Saturday morning.

  5. A point often overlooked is that the economy of slavery was disastrous. It is a thoroughly uneconomic system bound to failure. To demonstrate one only has to look at the strong manufacturing sector and vibrant middle class of the north versus the general poverty of the south at the outbreak of the civil war.

    A slave class virtually prohibits the kind of strong middle class the north developed. A few rich southern plantation owners, a mass of dependent slaves uninterested in productive labor and a near bottom-rung poverty class of dirt farmers is not an economy that wins.


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