Why the House Oversight Committee Never Seems to Get to the Bottom of Anything – IOTW Report

Why the House Oversight Committee Never Seems to Get to the Bottom of Anything


The point of HOC [House Oversight Committee] hearings is to create what are now described as “viral moments” that can be used to generate money.   The second, and lesser objective, is to give the illusion of accountability while not actually ever holding anyone or anything accountable.  See prior HOC reference points like Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, Benghazi which outline the latest intent with the Twitter censorship issue. More

13 Comments on Why the House Oversight Committee Never Seems to Get to the Bottom of Anything

  1. Been hearing about “investigations” for
    30 years now.Not 1 commie democrat ever
    was charged or convicted of anything.
    How come Eric Holder still walks free after
    being held in contempt of congress.I bet I would
    rotting away for life if I did that….

  2. They never get to the bottom of anything, even it smacked em’ upside of the head 😜

    Such a waste of taxpayer dollars …then again that’s the only thing their good at, spending someone else’s money 💰 🤑

  3. They are not and never where intended to get to the bottom of anything. They are set up specifically so the dear, dear friends across the aisle can cover for each other and use the sound bites to raise cash.

  4. When there is no organized opposition to the government in power, and said government feels neither responsibility to or for the people; the purpose of “Oversight” is Agitprop.

    Subotai Bahadur

  5. I must say the Twitter hearing is the first time I’ve heard the Congressional members tell the witnesses to expect arrests. Hopefully they can get around the politicized DOJ to get warrants.
    Time will tell if it’s just theater.


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