Why They Won’t Make Jokes About Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Why They Won’t Make Jokes About Hillary Clinton

20 Comments on Why They Won’t Make Jokes About Hillary Clinton

  1. I love Jeff Dunham

    At the risk of being branded a conspiracy theorist and misogynist, there is probably some truth in that.

    I still half expect her to jump in the race in the next few weeks, just in time for the Iowa Caucas

  2. More like a riddle:

    Who shows up at a memorial and drops like a sack of 200 lbs potatoes AND gets rushed into a black sedan headed north to her daughters safe space? Only to emerge hours later?


  3. @RogerF ~ my .02, she’s maneuvering for no one to get enough votes to get the nomination … very much a possibility … & get a brokered convention that will anoint her as she descends from the rafters as a bat-winged harpy, to ‘save’ their dream of their Marxist Utopia

  4. …just remember that, in the history of this Country, there have been three – and ONLY three – Presidential impeachments.

    …and of those three, TWO of them have been for humiliating Hillary Clinton…

  5. @Supernight ~ don’t forget the Nixon Impeachment … the one that never happened … Hillary was also involved in that one … subsequently shamelessly fired from the Watergate investigation for malfeasance … back then they had a façade of decorum & propriety

  6. …not buying those scenes where Hillary is interacting with Dunham’s puppets.

    …word has it that her smell ALONE would crack even a WOODEN face wide open at close quarters…

  7. “Nancy Pelosi’s SON Implicated in Biden Ukraine Pay for Play Corruption”

    Turns out the Swamp is larger than the Pripet Marshes!

    The Media and Academia are martyring themselves for pure greed. Shameful.
    (OT – sorry)

    izlamo delenda est …


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