Why Toys R’ Us Went Out of Business – IOTW Report

Why Toys R’ Us Went Out of Business

High-minded games to prepare today’s youth for…   for what, exactly?

23 Comments on Why Toys R’ Us Went Out of Business

  1. I remember going to “Bargain Town” (before they changed the name to Toy R’ Us) when I was little and thought that it was the greatest place EVER!!! When my daughter was born in 1989 I went there and was summarily unimpressed with their customer service. I suspected a downward trajectory even then. Now we know where the arc ends.

  2. Lazlo was raised on Erector Sets, GI Joe, Tinker-Toys and Lincoln Logs.
    I ain’t rich, but I have serious MacGyver skills.
    Drop me in the jungle and I will be working on something to distill beverages in by the third day

  3. I don’t know. I think the “Don’t Step In it” game would be a great learning tool to use before taking a trip to San Fransicko. The floor mat could have been decorated to look like a typical street there for added realism.

  4. Has anyone started marketing “The Knockout Game” yet?
    Hmm. My first thought was that such a game would be a guaranteed money-maker but then realized the only ones who’d want to play it wouldn’t buy it, they’d simply loot the store.

  5. @ Sally

    Not a discount store. Back in the ’70s it was the place to shop for average toys, trikes, cars, trains, etc. They also had a decent selection of building toys such as Legos, Lincoln Logs, etc.

    They went downhill by the late ’80s.

  6. Does anyone know if this is true? Read not too long ago that TRU had strong ties to Planned Parenthood–true/Fake News? “Toys & children” associating with an organization that wants to do away with children (therefore Toys)sounds strange. OTOH, Communist-Democrats, so….

  7. @ meyou


    “…Business Insider’s Leanna Garfield noted that Toys R Us’ sales problems began in the early 1990s, and coincided with the U.S. birth rate starting to decline more steadily.

    However, Toys R Us was also one of many American companies that donated to Planned Parenthood, America’s most prolific committer of abortions.

    In August 2010, Life Decisions International (LDI) identified Toys R Us as a boycott target for its contributions to the abortion giant. In December of that year, LDI removed Toys R Us and several other companies from the list, a development it credited to pro-life activists who pressured the companies to reverse course.

    According to LDI, a company can get itself removed from the list by either ceasing Planned Parenthood donations for at least five years, or pledging to disqualify the abortion giant from future contributions.

    The toy company’s direct support for Planned Parenthood ended, but its indirect support continued.

    2ndVote, an organization that monitors corporate giving from a conservative perspective, reports that as of February 2017, the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s Greater New York City and Minnesota affiliates listed Toys R Us as among the companies that match employee contributions.

    As LifeSiteNews has previously covered, the Komen breast cancer charity was the subject of a 2012 controversy in which it attempted to cut ties with Planned Parenthood, but then backed down in the face of pressure from the abortion giant.

    In 2016, Komen gave Planned Parenthood $363,290, ostensibly for breast cancer treatment. However, Planned Parenthood performs no on-site mammograms, and its cancer screenings dropped 68 percent from 2004 to 2014….”

  8. I had things like, My First Bar Stool, Sit ‘n Spin, and the popular game of Beehive Baseball. We stepped in real dogshit all the time by the way, because we were outside constantly.

  9. from toys are us a year ago
    The decrease of birth rates in countries where we operate could negatively affect our business. Most of our end-customers are newborns and children, and as a result, our revenue is dependent on the birth rates in countries where we operate. In recent years, many countries’ birth rates have dropped or stagnated. … A continued and significant decline in the number of newborns and children in these countries could have a material, adverse effect on our operating results.

    meanwhile they continued to donate to various pro abortion organizations that supported killing their future costumers


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