Why Trudeau’s Liberals are a Raging Success Story! – IOTW Report

Why Trudeau’s Liberals are a Raging Success Story!

CanadaFreePress: Sure, a lot of Canadians think the country’s turmoil is a strong indicator that the Liberal Government is cruising down the wrong track. Protestors disrupting rail lines and killing pipelines in the west. Hundreds of thousands out of work. Billions in capital flight, with Quebec joining the party thanks to Warren Buffet’s quick escape from the quicksand that is the Canadian investment landscape. Anger boiling over from coast to coast to coast. Why, the very fabric of Canadian society is being shredded before our very eyes. “Incompetent!”, scream the government’s opposition.

I beg to differ. It is all a matter of perspective. The Liberals only look incompetent if you view Canada through the eyes of the people suffering through the consequences of Liberal policy. If you view it from the perspective of Canada’s “new” values of diversity and tolerance versus Canada’s “old” values of freedom and liberty, then the Trudeau Liberals are rocking, and mocking, it!
The current upheaval the nation is experiencing is not a sign of incompetence at all, it is a sign that a larger cultural battle is nearing its end. We are in the 11th round of a 12-round heavyweight battle and diversity has rocked freedom’s jaw, sending it to the mat for an eight count. The ref is at 7.

Here is how we got there.

18 Comments on Why Trudeau’s Liberals are a Raging Success Story!

  1. This article certainly has similarities to the article about California by Victor Hansen.

    liberals make shit-holes of formerly great communities and even entire countries.

    I hate them for what they have done, and continue to do, in most of the western countries.

  2. He’s so dreamy,In a nightmarish kind of way. I still get people that think all is good. When i point out truths,facts to them they call me crazy. I am crazy but not that crazy.

  3. Mr Trudy may in fact be a male and he may even be married to a woman but I’d bet my house that his idea of a fun day out is to pamper himself and go underwear shopping.

  4. Canadian’s didn’t used to be such pussies, and it isn’t just Vancouver and Montreal.

    I will never again attend Calgary Stampede, it is a farce. What they call tie down roping is some kind of counterfeit melange of God only knows what. The calf doesn’t have to stay tied for six seconds, or even six milliseconds. I have no respect for anyone who would bastardize the sport of rodeo.

    For what it is worth, sick bastards here are trying to import that bullshit into this country, the phony baloney WCRA is no better. I wouldn’t walk across the street to attend a WCRA event.

  5. Sadly, this article seems correct.

    Some piece of shit John Ibbitson wrote an article yesterday about how Justin Trudeau is doing a better job with CVID19 than Donald TRUMP!!??

    Think of what type of IDIOT can pen such pure stupidity!
    Turdo was away from the country giving away money to Sfrican nations for MONTHS.
    His wife KNOWINGLY Flew to give a speech to enviro propagandists and went into Quarantine.
    The Bastard came home, made a very weak speech, and also went into Self Quarantine.
    He has done absolutely F_-K All and this Writer is applauding him.
    The media has scared the SHIT out of everyone and now is trying to tell everyone, “no need to Hoard Groceries”
    The Oil price is lower than ever.
    Ind the CBC a few days ago was penning articles about the RAILWAY companies needing to be held accountable for too many rail incidents totally IGNORING that they all happened AFTER the FKN protests by the UNELECTED Sub Groups on the NATIVE.

    This is what Governing should look like according to The Globe and Mail of Toronto!

    Read it: “Pay attention, Trump: Trudeau’s coronavirus response is a lesson in leadership”

    The fucker is A B S E N T !
    In the end TRUMP was CORRECT

  6. Well said. Add to this the Alinsky tactics and the hegelian dialectic and you have pretty much have the sum of the left’s strategies for dominance. Those of us who strive to raise our consciousness by being aware of this are evolving while those that are taken in by it are devolving. This is the clear separation of the wheat from the chaff.

  7. NotE:

    Canada’s Minister of Heath Patty Hajdu:
    Her first job was in Thunder Bay through an “Employment Insurance Innitiative” at an Adult literacy Group where she “trained in Graphic design”
    Graduated from Lakehead University (never heard of it) with a bachelor of Arts degree.
    in 2015 she received her Master of Public administration degree from Victoria.

    This is OUR Minister Of Health for CANADA!

    Note: NO MEDICAL DEGREE and her MASTER’s was only 1 Year before being in Government!
    At every presser she looks lost as a soy boy at a Ted Nugent concert.

    This is the GREAT job Trudeau is doing for Canada that the lefties thing Trump should learn from!

  8. For the sake of the Hosers mental health I hope that an equal number of whites and minorities contract the virus and die so that it is both a fair and equal opportunity plague, EH!

  9. Chicken flavored potato chips. They are actually pretty good and although Nalley’s used to make them in Tacoma, none were sold here. They all went to Canada. Also ketchup and dill pickle flavored potato chips.

  10. @JD

    East coast states have Lays Dill Pickle flavored potato chips. They are really good. They do not have them in California.

    I just noticed in Wal-Mart last week a whole bunch of new Lays potato chip flavors. Some of them sound really good. I can’t remember right now what they were.

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